Quetzalcoatl - The Initiation.

7 months ago

Quetzalcoatl is the serpent wisdom god of Mesoamerican culture. Known as Kukulkan to the Mayans, Quetzalcoatl and his dog-headed brother, Xolotl, are said to be the creators of humanity.

The serpent is a symbol of the all-pervading universal energy. Ubiquitous to many cultures of the world, the serpent represents rebirth and regeneration and so symbolises the ancient process of initiation.

In the anatomical allegory, the serpent is a symbol of the life force that can be heightened and lifted along the snake-like spinal column. It represents the universal power that enlivens and enhances the human nervous system when it is awakened through creative energy conservation and creative energy work - semen retention (in the case of a male practitioner) and personal energy movement (self-mastery).

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