Christian Women And Modesty #jesus #modestymatters

7 months ago

It is good to see a growing trend of women turning to Jesus, however, what’s not so good is that these women who are turning to Jesus, tend to keep a record of their own wrong, to use as evidence of a life once lived, meanwhile such evidences are of no use at all. Thank God you were once a party girl who is no longer a party girl, but what is the use in showing us videos of you partying? Why do you even have these videos? Shouldn’t the memory of it be enough?

Imagine a former porn actor showing their porn tapes as a means of displaying to the world that they are no longer porn actors and are now fully in Christ. If it was a sin to appear in those videos in the past, surely it’s a sin to resurrect them from your dead past, to bring to the present and to cause new people to lust over your past activities in the name of telling the world how Jesus has freed you?

Technology and its unprecedented ability to capture moments in time and to keep them memorialised for as long as that media is accessible has produced a new form of lifestyle error that was never possible in times past. 100 years ago, it would have been totally unheard of, that a former sinner would have evidences of his/her sinful lifestyle only to then use that evidence as a form of evangelism. Jesus never did that, neither did any characters from scripture, and so it is unwise to do it. Word of mouth is enough. Go ahead and tell people what you used to do, instead of showing them evidence of what you used to do.

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