Darkness and Light lyric video

7 months ago

I saved the best for last with this song! This song is the 8th and final track in my album "Chastity's Chess Challenge" as a tribute to the chessboard having 8 rows and 8 columns. However, none of the lyrics are about the game of chess!


You see, this song is a love story between darkness and light. Many years ago, I wrote the following poem:

Hikari and Yami Love Poem

I'll tell you a story, both black and white. Of darkness who loved the light.
And light loved the darkness, but when the light came near, the darkness would disappear.

H: Why do you run when I appear? What is it that you fear?

Y: I have no fear it's just the way. I rule the night, and you rule the day.

H: I want you with me in the day. There must be something to make you stay.

Y: I cannot stay; it is a rule. Whoever made it is a fool.

H: This makes me sad and want to cry. I won't give up till we die.

Y: Do not cry, only shine. For I am yours, and you are mine.

H: For you, I'll shine, and nature rewrite so that darkness can coexist with light.

Y: Shine brightly, Hikari, for in the night, the smallest candle gives those who are lost sight.

H: And you, my Yami, stay as black as you are and know that I am never far.

For those who are confused by the poem, Hikari is light in Japanese, and Yami is darkness. If those are the only Japanese words you know, then that is enough.

The poem was written in 2018 but it wasn't until I discovered Artificial Intelligence can make music that I tried to turn the poem into a song.

This song reminds us that light and darkness are not enemies, except in the game of chess where when they must battle. But then again, don't even lovers fight sometimes?

Maybe the game of chess is light and darkness trying to checkmate each other and finally catch up to each other so that they can be together.

If you think about it, every time a white piece goes to a square occupied by a black piece, the black piece leaves. However, the reverse is also true. Light and darkness are chasing each other and are the oldest lovers in existence. The dance of the chess game could be how like and darkness dance with each other.

You can buy this song and many others on my Band Camp page but it will forever be free to listen to on my social media as well.


Finally, below are the lyrics for those who wish to copy and paste them to read, sing, and analyze.

Darkness and Light

I'll tell a story in black and white
Darkness loved light through the night
When light came close
Darkness went away
In love they stayed but couldn't play

[Verse 2]
Shadows long and whispers low
Light would come and darkness'd go
Seeking balance side by side
Heartbeats race but worlds collide

Darkness and light
They wanted to be
Together forever
But never could see
In the presence of one
The other must leave
Yet heartstrings they tugged
In dreams they believed

[Verse 3]
Light would shine and darkness'd fade
Seeking ways shadows played
In the twilight they would meet
Their love story bittersweet

Echoes in the night
Hands that never touch
Yearning deep inside
They missed each other much

Darkness and light
They wanted to be
Together forever
But never could see
In the presence of one
The other must leave
Yet heartstrings they tugged
In dreams they believed

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