the blame game is circular n liquor store friendly

6 months ago

if america had a conscience we wouldn't be in this mess
this is what politics is all about
it's the other guys' that are w/out morality *says the mf that waits on society's approval for everything
so lucky to look to myself for that validation
if i had the world's approval i wouldn't have God's
i try to be obedient most of the time but i am still a woman
am i deserving of Holy Communion. yes of course
that concern is probably belonging to the devil...guilt trips ain't from God
i hold my shame very close to me cos it's a reminder of all that God will put up w/
it definitely redirected me instead of keeping me on the same path
my keyboard actually moved this time, it wasn't just me fucking up (per usual)
we are drivin n stuff, this turnpike ain't good for the song cos the keyboard cannot be stabilized
i need a seatbelt for my keyboard since i don't wear mine anyway
EVERYONE is so easily offended
don't worry i'll getcha i always do
i'll buy you a bottle a liquor if i don't accomplish this
God put me in america to piss off the masses, my ego is convinced
so successful that they can't help but go away yay!
their sentiment towards me echoes mine
most don't want a mirror
so what if it IS somebody else's fault
a very very short min til i black out
just let it ride x2
whatever shit you said that pissed me off will subside n then i will admit that you were right
that nerve is there for a reason figure it out damnit
if yer politics suggests (or screams) that it's everyone else...
everyone is part of the problem, there you go equality
the actuality of equality is not welcomed
we successfully switched lanes
NOT success
i'm actually showing up early today
now i'm stuck behind the slowest poke EVER
the man in my head tells me to get off at the next exit
everyone's offended by sumin
my understanding of human behavior allows me to rid myself of this demonic bullshit
lgbt +++ spitting in the face of christianity which doesn't make sense considering all that islam would do to em
it's an attack on real Christianity not capitalist mega churches
phallic symbols n secret societies everywhere
a lotta really worthless "christians" out there, LABEL ONLY
i feel the presence of God n it's the greatest thing ever
they dunno what their soul is all about
i was not in favor of organized religion prior to discovering the Orthodoxy hence my yt channel name hahaha, God is hilarious
jevohah's witnesses are more popular than we are haha
i agree w/ catholics on this but for a completely different reason
fuck dogma, man
sure they might come ONCE but will they stay (probably not)
sometimes the religious interest is due to some life event
Orthodoxy is definitely a commitment due to the fasting
whether i fast from animal products or drugs i have the same exact reaction
you definitely appreciate it more both doing it n not doing it
no alternative to compare it to if you're doin it all the time

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