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15 seconds

Model - Session – 29-06-24 – 2

7 months ago

Sales info: original (if not sold), prints & printable - visit my website:

Website link: https://corneakkers.com/model-session-29-06-24-2/
Printable: https://corneakkers.com/product/printable-model-session-29-06-24-2/

A Horizontal Position

This pastel drawing ‘Model Session – 29-06-24 – 2’ is the second pastel I made of this beautiful model this session. Being the last session of this season I look back to a successful series of sessions. Surely to be continued in September 2024 for the third year. The first session I wrote about my troubles with foreshortening. This time the face proved to be difficult. Not because of the foreshortened position but because of its horizontality. For no particular reason I decided to go for a specific outcut of the torso and head. As described in the statement to the first session I didn’t have the pole position. Being in front of the model again I looked at a horizontal positioned model. Inclusive the bed she reclines on the whole scenery looked rather horizontal, almost boxed in squarely.

Taking up the Challenge

Most artists get scared by such a static composition. Instead, just like photographers they search for diagonals and triangular structures, creating dynamics. Of course, those are the best. However, sometimes you simply have to make do with what’s presented in front of your eyes. Surely I won’t back away from extreme foreshortenings nor static and seemingly uninteresting compositions. Next to this, I had one smashing advantage: Her glance simply was astonishing. She’s a young woman and her eyes and skin oozed out vibrancy and vitality. The best pair of blue eyes you could wish for and all that in front of my eyes. Yet again, troubles!. I couldn’t get the resemblance correct enough for me to complete it within the one hour session. The day after I could put the pastel upside down and work on her face. Easy peasy in the privacy of your own studio.

Pastel drawing on Hahnemühle Dürer Ingres-Bütten Night Blue paper (48 x 62,5 x 0.1 cm)
Artist: Corné Akkers


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