Catholic priest explains: "Walk side by side with the church by following the magisterium."

2 months ago

Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi: "So how do we know who to turn to in this state of confusion, when you have people on the one side of the spectrum that are extremely conservative, to the point of rejecting Vatican II and rejecting Pope Francis, to those that are extremely progressive, that are espousing woman priesthood to denouncing the hierarchy?

So, you know, how do you know, how do you do this?

Well, this is how. You don't run ahead of the church like the progressives do and anticipate changes. You don't lag behind the church like the ultra conservatives do and reject changes.

You walk side by side with the church by following the magisterium. This is the first good step. Be loyal to the magisterium, and the magisterium has the authority to instruct us in morals and faith, church discipline, church governance."

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