Pew Pew. Really REALLY Testing. H&R 12ga & Rossi 357mag 0702702024

7 months ago

Testing, Really testing ,,, for TNT Gun & Pawn, 219 Lane prkwy, Shelbyville, TN, and for fun.
00:00 Harrington & Richardson, Topper 88, single shot 12ga, full choke.
01:40 Federal premium 00 buck 1325 fps. Winchester field & Target. Rio royal buck 00. Winchester universal 1200 fps. Remington express 1330 fps.
03:30 function test
06:50 listening to the doves & and an owl
07:30 Reprimands
08:49 Hulk chalk bomb poops out
09:55 Hulk chalk bomb prt two
10:20 Hulk piss in a jar
11:35 can't say Boro Bullets on YT
12:35 purple nurple
13:30 new format. function test, then "lets have some fun"
14:12 good bye gatorade
15:11 red white and blue blast
16:00 3 pinks in a row
17:00 orange, purple, green
18:00 H&R smalls good
18:50 Rossi Rm64 357mag, "Lets have some fun"
19:50 Rossi rm64, target pov. cci blazer 125gr 38spcl fmj. winchester 130gr 38spcl fmj. fiocchi 148gr wadcutter
24:30 the end, not the end
25:25 rm64 w magtech 158gr JHP V white and bllue. the end

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