2 months ago

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow

REMINDER: I will be hosting an election night coverage on November 5 with Ash Epp and Seth Keshel. Tune in for the most accurate, honest, and fun evening! See how you can help---we especially need corporate sponsors! Go to


1) More details pour out about the coup, as Botoxic, SpewMore, and others contacted Zero, who threatened Rutabaga with the 25th Amendment if he did not drop out of the race. Like I said, leave the race and stay president or try to hold on and lose both.

2) A defiant President Trump will return to outdoor rallies. He expressed confidence the Secret Service could to their job. I'm sure God will do His.

3) More polling from Atlas, with President Trump up 1.3 and over 50%. Wall Street Journal has Trump up 2. As always, when you add third party candidates his spread goes up a little. And a new yougov poll shows that a large majority of Americans believe she helped cover up Rutabaga's mental dementia.

4) As I told you, Cackles would get a couple of weeks of good press then her "bump" would collapse. Seems to be happening even faster, as former Harris staffers described her as a "soul-destroying bully." And as of today, Cackles still hasn't selected a veep running mate. Even then, MSN is reporting she had "early stumbles." If she is "stumbling now, wait til President Trump gets done with her. She'll walk like an O'Biden. And, for example, she already had to backtrack on her fracking ban.

5) Oh, and that Smarmy Christopher Wray, the head of the FascistBI, who said Trump may have been hit by "shrapnel?" His own FascistBI confirmed Trump was hit by a bullet.

6) Ohio DemoKKKrat Senator Sherrod Brown lost the support of the Fraternal Order of Police for the first time in 12 years.

7) Rutabaga is calling for unconstitutional so-called "reforms" for the Supreme Court including term limits. Git yerself an amendment there, ya demented spooge.

8) A semi with a load of lithium batteries broke into flames as the batteries resisted efforts to put the fire out. Traffic was backed up for hours, with a line 60 miles long. Meanwhile here is the latest wind disaster in New England as Vinyard Wind 1 has broken multiple times.

9) Researchers have developed a new drug that makes it nearly impossible for "resistant" bacteria to resist.

10) Time heals all wounds? A new Harvard study supports the notion that even thinking more time has passed causes wounds to heal faster.

11) The Biden administration is throwing a young mother in jail for preaching outside an abortion clinic.


12) Shocked! The more DemoKKKrats go to church, the more they become Republicans. There is no such thing any more of a church-going white DemoKKKrat. Just 16% of weekly attendees now are liberal.


13) The U.S. national debt hit $35 trillion.

14) Core inflation rose to 3.4%, the worst in a year.

15) A Fresno, Kollyfornia restaurant owner was hit with a power bill of $21,000, or double his rent. He's quitting.

16) President Trump called on America to be the crypto capital of the world amidst massive cheers in Nashville. He promised to establish a national cryptocurrency reserve.


17) The Olympics is doing everything it can to offend Christians and mock faith, as the so-called "opening ceremonies" featured plenty of drag queens and a "last supper" of homosexuals and other perverts. God apparently is not impressed, as the first triathalon training session had to be canceled because of pollution (i.e., poop) in the Seine. Paris also had a massive blackout. The U.S. women's tennis team left the Olympic Village for a hotel because conditions were so horrid there. But God isn't the only one offended by the transoid displays, as one of the main sponsors, the global tech firm C Spire pulled its advertising. Meanwhile a Dutch beach volleyball player (that's an Olympic sport now?) convicted of rape gets to represent the Dutch team. Apparently the Olympic Committee deleted the official video of these heinous actions amidst massive backlash. Oh, and the Russkies are making fun of the woke Olympics.

18) The entire fiasco reflected the separation around the world of the "ruling class" and the "country class," and could be seen in the apology the Olympic Committee issued, saying "there was never any intention to show disrespect towards any religious group or belief." Yet the lack of awareness that they were even offending Christians spoke volumes. You can bet they wouldn't have had multiple artistic depictions of Mohammed because they would have just assumed they would cause offense.

19) Oh, and the Paris Olympics are running out of real food and are trying to foist hoax food on the participants.

20) The Russkies are steadily advancing in eastern Ukraine.

21) The Wall Street Journal reported that exit polls showed that the challenger to Venezuela's Maduro had a significant lead. Being a good DemoKKKrat, however, Maduro called out the army and the police to stop a free election from occurring. And Rutabaga is supporting this by doing nothing.

22) Indonesia is building several new coal-fired plants in order to build . . . EVs.

23) Activist Tommy Robinson has fled the UK following the latest rounds of persecution. Western so-called democracies are becoming totalitarian states.

24) The latest murder atrocity in Israel is not from the Hamas Murder Pirates but from their evil twin, Hezbollah, the Iranian backed serial killers who killed 18 kids on a soccer field with a rocket attack. Then the Hoax News media covered it up.

25) A Brit woman said she lost 22 pounds on Ozympic---then her long blonde hair started falling out. That could be a problem, especially since she was a redhead.


26) A New England Patriot's lineman has been treated for blood clots with no return stated. I'm sure it wasn't the vax.

27) The "Reagan" movie premiered at the Reagan Library last week.


28) A large Korean study recommends monitoring mRNA-vaxxed patients for signs of immunity system compromises. Meanwhile, a follow up on the Czech data shows the Moderna shot killed about 30% more than if people had not taken the vax.


29) Good joke from "Freeper" Texas Redhead:

A man is laying in the hospital, waiting to be the first person in history to receive a brain transplant.

A doctor comes in and says, “Congratulations! But unfortunately, since this is a new procedure, your insurance isn’t going to cover it all. So we’re going to give you 3 choices for brains and you can decide which you can afford.”

The man says to the doctor, “Okay, what are they?”

The doctor says, “Well, first there’s the engineer brain, that’s $100 an ounce. Then there’s the astrophysicist brain, that’ll cost you $200 an ounce. Finally, there’s the politician brain. That’s the most expensive at $1000 an ounce.”

The man looks at the doctor, surprised… “that’s absurd! Why is the politician brain so expensive?”

The doctor turns to him and says, “Sir, do you have any idea how many politicians it takes to get an ounce of brain?”

Larry Schweikart

Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author

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