Standing Rear Naked Choke Escape

2 hours ago

Defending The Standing Rear Naked Choke is a vital part of any self defense course based in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. A choke/strangle from behind is a high percentage attack, so it is critical to know how to escape it!

Hopefully you will never find yourself being attacked. That said, learn how to defend this choke in the event you do need to defend yourself! Practice this defensive technique with a trusted partner or in your local BJJ Academy.

Self Defense Video Disclaimer:

Please do not merely watch this video and think you will be able to use this technique (or any self defense technique) against a resisting opponent 100 pounds heavier than you! Osmosis won't take what your eyeballs see, and transfer perfect technique into muscle memory. You need to gain the muscle memory the old school way....


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