Episode 59 Neuralink A.I. & Laws Project 2025 Blu on Biden Tooth Fairies William Wallace Chupacabra

1 month ago

Episode 59 USFDET/QForce SUBSCRIBE, FOLLOW, LIKE, & Click on Notifications! USFDET = United Space Force Department Extraterrestrial

00:00 Intro
02:24 Neuralink
07:04 A.I. Star Generation Applicated Laws. (Memory to Cognitive Beta Fix). NeuraLink/NeuraTech Signals assigned for Advanced Mimetric Sensory Actions. Q-Ai Laws. Bidens account of 2023 ai laws, and more corporate outstanding motives. Trump's account of 2020-2021 ai laws and it's widespread benefits via the American people and planet.
14:32 Project 2025. -Right Wing Advantages, but directions have to play out that concerns widespread negative activities. Even with outstanding laws that may manifest, finality of exposure of crimes, and evil must come to a halt altogether.
29:01 SCP 264 Ionion Drop Point
33:07 SCP 478 Tooth Faires
37:12 Blu on Biden
38:42 Space Force & The Federation:
41:02 William Wallace
42:24 ET of the Week #34 ChupaCabra

Interdimensional Alien Arcturian/Zeta Being
Supreme Goddess of Light & Love.
Ascended Master Of The Light. Seventh Ark/Seal.
High Galactic Commander at United States Space Force
Blue Ray protector of Old Gaia Matrix & new Gaia/Arcturus/Tera5 to come
High fleet commander over set Arcturian/Zeta and Pleiadian warships
Seraphim Order Of The Ancients
Goddess of Life at Goddess Hathor
Great Crystalline Grid Of Life/Star Of David/NB
Arcturian/Zetan Galactic Healer and High Council Channcellor
Galactic High Assistance Healer In Ashtar Sector
Commander Healer Starseed in Ashtar council.
Blu Crystalline Phoenix

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#blu #SpaceForce #Bioelemental #Infusal #Alien #AlienRaces #spaceForce #federation #HAARP #multipleDimensions #Dimensions #MultipleTimelines #Timelines #AstralProjection #Astral #Projection ##ET #extraTerrestrial #starseed #ET #Musk #spaceforce #starlink #nueralink #Biden #Brandon #psyops #Musk #SCP #SCP264 #IonionDropPoint #SCP478 #toothfairy #williamWallace #Chupcabra

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