Is Anybody Buying Google's Explanation For Hidden Trump Assassination Attempt Search Results?

7 months ago

Posted • July 29, 2024: As we told you over the weekend, many people were noticing that the autofill feature on Google wouldn't not include a certain name for particular searches. Basically the search feature seemed to be hiding results about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump: -- You can still even try different variations of similar searches and the autofill will not include anything about Trump getting shot just over two weeks ago. The disinformation industrial complex has been working overtime recently:

Google suggestion includes all U.S. presidential assassinations and attempts—except Trump’s. Google Communications has responded, and their statement addresses this post in particular: Try not to roll your eyes at the response from Google Communications. Here it is: Google Communications @Google_Comms: “There was no manual action taken. Our systems have protections against Autocomplete predictions associated with political violence, which were working as intended prior to this horrific event. We’re working on improvements to ensure our systems are more up to date. Of course, Autocomplete is just a tool to help people save time, and they can still search for anything they want to. Following this terrible act, people turned to Google to find high-quality information – we connected them with helpful results, and will continue to do so.”

The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway spotted a whole lotta BS in that explanation: Mollie @MZHemingway: “This note is both non-sensical and terrifying. 1) The autocomplete works for ALL SORTS of other instances of political violence and 2) what dystopic Stalinist hellhole is it to "protect" people from learning facts about the assassination attempt on the Republican candidate?” -- Creating a "Stalinist hellhole" seems to be the end goal for so many on the Left. Even North Korean state media might tell them to dial the level of propaganda down just a notch. -- Maggie Speaks @MaggiesMusings: “What a load of crap! We don’t need Google’s ‘protections’. We need the TRUTH! Try providing THAT for a change!” (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Is Anybody Buying Google's Explanation for Hidden Trump Assassination Attempt Search Results?
Twitchy: Well Looky Here: Google's Biased Algorithm Hides Trump Assassination Attempt Search Results
Twitchy: What the Absolute EFF?! Newly LEAKED Text Messages Reveal DAMNING Update on Trump Assassination Attempt
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