J6 SF Whistleblower | Jeremy Brown (TPC #1,537)

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Website: http://www.jeremybrowndefense.com

My name is Jeremy Brown. I am a 20 year US Army Special Forces Master Sergeant that served this nation honorably. In October of 1992, I swore to an Almighty God that I would protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, Foreign and Domestic; This Constitution that codifies the Rights that God granted us at birth. I have upheld the Oath as a Ranger, Green Beret, Fire Fighter, Citizen, Business Owner, Coach, US Congressional Candidate and now as a Prisoner of War. 
I have been obligated to uphold this oath for 29 years and I have no intention of faltering now! In December of 2020, the very Government I served for 20 years and that entrusted me to hold a TOP SECRET/SCI Security Clearance attempted to recruit me to be a Confidential Informant for the FBIs JTTF.  I was asked if I would be willing to collect information (AKA spy) on law abiding American Citizens.  I refused, but I recorded the entire meeting.  In January 2021 I volunteered to be part of a Security Detail tasked with protecting speakers at the Jan 5th & 6th “Stop the Steal” Rally in DC. 
In the weeks that followed, it became clear to me why I had been recruited. It was the testimony of FBI Director Christopher Wray in front of Congress that made me realize I could not stay silent. On March 5th 2021, I went public with what I knew and my professional opinion about what happened January 6th as a 20 Year Special Forces Combat Veteran.  I knew that going public against a corrupt FBI narrative would put my safety and freedom, as well as the safety of my family and friends in jeopardy but if not me then who?? I have prepared for this day and this is God’s plan for me.  Liberty or Death! De Oppresso Libre, Rangers lead the way! MOLON LABE!

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