42. Trauma recovery through Thetahealing and subconscious work with Dr Allison Snowden

1 month ago

In this episode we dive into the heart of healing with Dr. Allison Snowden, an unparalleled expert in unraveling the mysteries of the subconscious, trauma, attachment issues, and the foundational beliefs that shape our lives. Having navigated her own journey from a near-death experience, multiple surgeries, chronic pain to a life of freedom and vitality, Dr. Snowden brings not only her personal triumphs into our discussions but also her extensive expertise as a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (TCM), Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist (L.Ac.), and Theta Healing® Teacher.

This podcast is more than just a conversation; it's an exploration into the deepest layers of the self, where pain meets purpose, and trauma transforms into power. Dr. Snowden's work, reaching clients around the globe both in-person and virtually, focuses on women's journey to healing at all levels—spiritual, emotional, and physical. Through her guidance, listeners will discover the tools to release trauma, unearth spiritual awakening, and step into the freedom they are destined for.

Whether you're grappling with subconscious blocks, seeking to heal from trauma, or curious about the power of ThetaHealing, this podcast offers a sanctuary of wisdom and empowerment. Join us as we journey with Dr. Allison Snowden, uncovering the keys to unlocking a life of profound healing and unconditional freedom.

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