Debunking Corporate Media Lies on Venezuela: By Riding Through Petare (2019)

2 months ago

March 2019, when most Western corporate owned media were insisting most stores in Caracas were empty-shelved. At the time, I walked around Caracas noting how most of the shops actually had full shelves.

But for skeptics, that wasn't good enough. So, I went with a friend on his motorcycle to Petare, which is generally dubbed the "largest slum in Latin America", in other words a very poor area, where if there were empty shelves you'd think it would be there.

We first went to a central hub, filled with food shops, and then up into the hills where in smaller barrios we still kept seeing tables of produce for sale, signs for chicken, cheese, and stalls with full shelves.

This is not to say there is not poverty (thank you Western sanctions and economic war on Venezuela), but to highlight that what the media were screaming was patently false. They were painting scenes of chaos that didn't exist. Recall that this was around the time the West was pushing the lie that Guaido was "interim president", which he was/is not.

For more on Venezuela, I can't recommend enough Dan Kovalik​'s excellent book, The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela: How the US Is Orchestrating a Coup for Oil [], which gives the needed historical context to the current situation in Venezuela (the US-led economic war and quite overt interference in that country's internal affairs) and surrounding countries where dictatorships and violations of human rights about, but the West and the bought-and-sold media keep hush about it (as with Saudi, israel) because those countries are allies...

US is manufacturing a crisis in Venezuela so that there is chaos and 'needed' intervention

Venezuela isn't Syria… but America’s war tactics are the same

Yesterday in Petare, largest barrio in Latin America (& one of poorest in Caracas), I saw not-starving ppl purchasing similar vegs, plus meats, walking like normal ppl, not like a "crisis". Media is lying about a humanitarian crisis. Same media that doesn't care about Yemen.

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