In show of growing ties, Russian warships make new visit to Cuban waters

1 month ago

Three Russian warships arrived in Cuban waters on Saturday, marking Moscow’s second naval visit to Cuba in two months, reflecting deepening ties between the two nations.

The naval group, comprising a training ship, patrol frigate, and refueling tanker, will remain docked in Havana’s port until Tuesday.

This visit follows a recent squadron visit, which included a nuclear-powered submarine, as part of military exercises in mid-June.

American officials monitored the June exercises, stating the four-vessel group posed no real threat.

Experts viewed the Caribbean tour as a symbolic show of strength in response to U.S. and Western support for Ukraine.

Cuban defense officials announced the latest port call, describing it as a “historical practice” and a display of “friendship and collaboration.”

However, neither government elaborated on the mission’s purpose. The Baltic fleet received a booming cannon salute upon arrival, generating excitement among the public, NBC News has reported.

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