LWs Predict a Mushroom Cloud Above a River in Manhattan and East London on 2025Jan6-Mar27 & Apr19/20

2 months ago

The 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 which is the first part of the 2nd fire sign of 2Kings1 is predicted for 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21 (2025January6-March27) and the 3rd of 1Kings18 which is the 2nd part of the 2nd of 2Kings1 is predicted for 2025Nisan21 (2025April19/20).

The central Pentecostal malediction of the contest of 1Kings18 is the LW Alienation Times from 2017Adar21 to 2024Adar21. It starts 12 months of Daniel4:29 after Isaaic Zoar was installed over the 2NCs on 2016Adar21.

These fire signs mislead mankind into WW3 which lasts 7x (7 months) of heating up of the fiery furnace of WW3 longer than had been seen before in WW2, which lasted 73 months from 1939Elul15 (1939September3) when Britain and France declared war on Germany to 1945Tishri17 (1945September28) when Japan surrendered Indochina above the 16th parallel to Lu Han - completing the Potsdam declaration. So it lasts for 80 months (actually 2402 days) from 2025Shebat20/21 (2026February12-14) to 2032Tishri22/23 (2032September29-October1).

We also predict that China and the BRICS9 (the Leopard of Daniel7) will become an unrighteous war beast and start an unjustified war (presumaly with Taiwan during 2024Shebat (in the transition period between Obama46 (Biden) and the Trump47. We predict that Trump will win the 2024 presidential election and the the GOP will gain the senate and keep the house, so that the whole of congress becomes red.

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