Bo Polny - Janie Seguin - GOD Revealed WHEN All WARS END! - Captions

7 months ago

In this video, Bo and Janie discuss prophecies and predictions related to the fall of Babylon and the financial system. They talk about the significance of the Daniel 12 verse 7 calculation, the importance of prayer and patience during this time, and the potential for major events to unfold by the end of the year. Janie also shares a vision she had about the fall of Babylon and the significance of Christmas this year. They also discuss the importance of investing in gold and silver as a hedge against inflation and the devaluing of the dollar.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Bo Polny! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


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Prophecy of the Imminent End of Wars, Restoration of Nation, and Spiritual Warfare Unveiled by Janie Seguin and Bo Polny

0:23: ⚔️ Prophecy reveals imminent end of wars, restoration of nation, and spiritual warfare.
5:24: ⏳ Prophecy of the end of Biden presidency and fall of evil regime based on Daniel 12:7.
11:58: ⏳ Prophecy reveals the end of wars in 2024, downfall of evil empire, and cleansing floods.
15:52: ⏳ Prophecy of Babylon's fall and financial system collapse, leading to America's restoration and moral decay consequences.
21:02: ⏳ Divine revelations indicate a significant time for reflection and prayer, emphasizing the need for patience and closeness to God.
26:59: ⚔️ Prophecy reveals end of wars in 2024, financial collapse by year end, expect natural disasters as God moves against evil.
30:49: ⚔️ Prophecy about upcoming significant events during Christmas with potential double-edged outcomes.

👉LEGAL & DISCLAIMER: The above represents the opinion and analysis of Mr. Bo Polny, based on data available to him, at the time of writing. Mr. Bo Polny's opinions are his own, and are not a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell securities, commodities and/or cryptocurrencies. Mr. Bo Polny is an independent analyst who receives no compensation of any kind from any groups, individuals or corporations. As trading and investing in any financial markets may involve serious risk of loss, Mr. Bo Polny recommends that you consult with a qualified investment advisor, one licensed by appropriate regulatory agencies in your legal jurisdiction and do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial ramifications. Although an experienced analyst, Mr. Bo Polny is not a Registered Securities Advisor. Therefore Mr. Bo Polny’s opinions on the markets, stocks and commodities are his own and cannot be construed as a solicitation to buy and sell securities, commodities and/or cryptocurrencies.


The Giants that have come, the brothers of Goliath stand in glee watching America. We will cripple you, you will lose your credit and people will become very afraid. I have said, I will bring this nation to its knees and God said, you have been humbled and then you shall hear the sounds of great victory.

For many that have cried out and said, God will destroy this nation. The spirit says, may I remind you, the covenant that I made with this nation is immutable, is unchangeable. And I created and spoke over this nation to feed the world, to heal the earth. God says, yes, judgment will come, but it shall not come at this time in the fashion that they have spoken.

They have said. There shall be a crash and America shall be crippled. God said, not at this time, not at this time, but I have raised you up for a season. And there shall be seven years where I will take you out of your besiegement. You have been besieged for seven years, America. You have been surrounded by your internal enemies.

Haters of America have stood up and I will take the wealth of the wicked and for a season, transfer it into the hands of the righteous. All these people actually believe they're going to get away with it because why they've all been tricked or deceived by who the great deceiver God's undefeated God's letting them walk in and they're walking into the greatest trap in human history.

I will bring an amount of restoration to this nation and they shall be taken out of this siege that you've been in for seven years and then the songs will come from all over this nation from young people who deserve to sing my song. Good afternoon. Today is July 7th. Wow. July already, July 7th.

And I'm here today with Janie Seguin from Canada. I've checked some of my messages and there are some people requesting you, Janie. So we got you back on and Janie's had a few prophecies and we pulled one out. That's truly. It's a very powerful prophecy for specifically this time right here, right now.

So we'll go through that in just a few minutes, but for now, Janie, welcome back. Thank you again, Bo. And I want to thank all of the viewers and, and and I really want to thank everyone that I met at the reawakening tour. All the beautiful people that came up that just wanted a word of knowledge, healing, prayer, just wanted to talk to me.

I love you. Thank you for that. That was amazing. We thank Bo always for opening that door and just being obedient to to Jesus and, and we'll start with a prayer today. And we just ask for all of our hearts to be opened and to fill, you know, this place where we are right now with your spirit, Lord.

of peace and we just ask for our eyes to be open in this hour because it's we're just seeing a lot a lot of warfare going on and we just plead the blood of Jesus and we just thank you for everything that you're doing in Jesus mighty name. Amen. Amen. Yeah, so I, I have one thing to show you and I wanted to mention this to you Bo as well.

So I got this last week. I was so happy. I was like, I finally got it. So, and yeah, and then the beautiful inscription. Well, That's just priceless. I love it. So thank you so much. I'm actually going to read it and look over everything I've I've been quite busy lately, but I will take my time and go through this So thank you and Sophia.

I love it. Thank you Much appreciated, Janie, and thank you for all that you're doing as well, too. You know, we're all, we're all in it together and we're all just pieces of a puzzle that God's appointed for us all just to work together as one to expose the truth his truth. And we're doing the best we can every single day.

And so I really think we are at a very important crux in time, a moment in time. Well, what I've been looking at and looking at and how the world is structured in the time windows of the world you know, we really are at a critical point. With regard to scriptures and specifically if I reference daniel 12 Verse 7 and I want to show that to the viewers here just so they can understand That you know, nothing in the world is random and it's actually all by God's design He wrote the end from the beginning and so if I pull the screen up here Have a look at this scripture right here and then understand what you're looking at right here.

It says It shall be For a time times and a half a time now the reason i'm bringing this up is because if we apply the word it to the biden presidency Okay, so let's apply it as the biden presidency because another example of it was when Jesus christ was Baptized then that started an incredible It time point and that was the greatest three and a half years the world's ever seen because that began the ministry of Jesus on earth and he passed and then they killed him three and a half years exactly on the daniel 12 verse 7 cycle of time i want to apply this to the biden presidency because the inauguration was january 20th the year 2021 And this is going to directly correlate with a prophecy.

We're going to read that Janie has, we'll read this in a few minutes, but we're going to preface this with this scripture, Daniel 12, seven, because if the Biden presidency is the it, and it will be. Which means that it comes to an end at the end of three and a half years, because it shall be for a time, times and a half a time.

That's 1260 days or three and a half years, and what, lo and behold, what are we seeing literally going on in our face right now on mainstream media? We've even got the Democratic Party all trying to get Biden to step down, and all of this started literally as July began. And so if you do the math on it from the inauguration, 1260 days to the exact day was the 4th of July, which means that that presidency comes to an end.

If we don't use biblical calculations, cause that's based on a 360 days, Gregorian calculations is 364. 25. So if we use just a normal year of 3. 5 years, that would take us to July 20th. So what I'm saying is, somewhere between right now, like right here, literally the 4th of July onwards into next week, if you want we can stretch it, because we don't know the day and the hour, again you'll see this in the scripture, this is actually in the prophecy.

No man knoweth the exact day and hour when God's gonna strike because there's no counter. Evil will not be able to stop what's about to happen. And so why I'm saying this is because so sometime between right now with here as we just passed the fourth Into sometime right into the 20th of july We don't know what's going to happen, but we all know the prophets have spoken something big is expected to manifest.

And then secondly, there is that prophecy of Kim Clement. And I'm not sure if you remember that prophecy, Jenny, but Kim had a word specifically, he titled it, well, it was called Strange July, Strange July. So what does he mean? See, again, no one's ever known the year because this prophecy I think was 14 or 15 years ago.

So all we know is that God's word will not come back void. Kim was a prophet of God. Janey is a prophetess of God. Your words are not going to come back void because God has spoken through you. So now we are literally at a moment of time when you read Daniel 12 7, it says the time is over. The time, the event, the thing, the it that began on January 20th, 2021 is over.

And we're literally seeing this manifesting right now is media screaming about Biden. Okay, so we're seeing this all perfectly timed based on Daniel 12 7 and then the next step is the fall of Mystery Babylon and the fall of this Empire and what is the Empire is an evil regime. It's actually the Daniel.

To prophecy and we all remember the Daniel to prophecy, which we've I've shown before on many podcasts But the Daniel to prophecy and the reason I want to show this as well, too Because again the prophecy that Janie has Specifically talks about this Daniel prophecy So this is the Daniel to statue right here this prophecy again God's Word will not come back void Secondly, this prophecy stands, listen to this closely everybody, two and a half thousand years of perfection of Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, the papacy, and into the United States.

What's missing is this piece right here, the fall of Babylon, and specifically it is called Mystery. Babylon. So that is a preface to what the prophecy that Janie has right now, but I wanted to have the viewers understand the magnitude and the importance of the Daniel 12, seven, three and a half year calculation, saying that what began in January of 2021 finishes in July, 2024, three and a half years.

And so now, when we go to this prophecy, we talk about the Daniel 2 prophecy, which specifically talks about Babylon, and the Nebuchadnezzar dream. So now, let's get to the prophecy, and I think you're going to really appreciate what God revealed through Janie, and I want to open up this video. I'm going to open up this slide here, and then Janie can go ahead and read it.

So this came on June 27th at 10 o'clock a. m. Thus saith the Lord, Julian Assange, my son, you are set free. This is a sign that soon my people, you shall be set free. For the global world network is falling upon their own feet. For I am breaking the brass, the silver, the gold, and the clay mixed with iron.

The falling down is now of this. evil empire. If I can pause for a minute, that was the Daniel 2 prophecy. So what Janie just read specifically references that Daniel prophecy of the fall of Mystery Babylon. Please continue. Do you think that my arm is too short? No, it is not for, I shall crush the head of the serpent to be exposed on every level.

Oh, for how great this fall shall be for the four winds are blowing and all corruption is weaving their ugly heads. It is showing and manifesting the days and hours are upon the, these are the days when all hope is lost. Do stay close to me now, for you know how the story ends in my book of love and life.

Wow. Wow for all who stand and stood the test of faith to bring back my beautiful America and restore the balance that I make. Your God of truth is here. It is screaming out loud and is so very near. For 2024 will be the year to remember forevermore. As this year ends, I will shut every door that the enemy has opened for my people.

For now, they, the evil ones, shall fall into their own traps, like one who is caught for many to see. It is spoken, so it shall be, as spoken by my prophet Daniel. Look at the times! For they are here, read, know the truth, my children. Do not be slumbering in this time that is upon you. For great change is here and has begun.

For the wars shall cease and my love will become one. Repeat that, for the wars. For the wars shall cease. And my love will become one. Yes, the enemy hates and knows this hour, but he does not know in which the day nor time that I will make kingdoms fall, for they never heeded to my call. Floods, floods will arise.

Be not afraid, for this is the cleansing that I have done in the past. And have made, for mankind is purely wicked. So come to me, for this is your golden ticket. Stay in me, your Christ Jesus, for I always call you to come to me. For now is the time, and you surely must wait no longer, for your enemies shall be as dust.

Praise God. Hallelujah. Wow. It's right in there. For no man knoweth the exact day nor hour or the time that this is going to go down. So we are so close to this event going off. Something triggering here. But again, God will not reveal the day He's going to do this. Why? Specifically, there is absolutely, which I've heard this before, there is no counter.

Evil has no way of stopping what's about to happen. And the Daniel 12 calculation tells us it could be anywhere, Daniel 12 verse 7, anywhere from the 4th of July right up until the 20th of July as a ballpark calculation. So three and a half years, all I know is, is that July. We're here. And this prophecy Janie just read is very powerful.

And specifically, it was talking about the fall of Babylon. Janie was specifically referencing the Daniel 2 prophecy of the dream that Nebuchadnezzar had and the fall of mystery. Babylon, this fall is specifically going to correlate directly to the great wealth transfer. Because why, Janie, why would the church need money to build God's kingdom?

And we've had scriptures, the very best scripture I can reference is the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous. I can ask the viewers. I can ask you, Janie, has that scripture ever been fulfilled? No, because evils always had the money you see in the money is what they've used to build Babylon.

So we're about to witness the fall of Babylon's. Money system, financial system, the federal reserve note, the collapse of the financial system specifically and directly will relate to the collapse and the fall of Babylon. Fulfilling your prophecy and prophecies that you have been talking about, Janie. Yeah we need that so much right now.

I'm, I'm, not just me, but people that I know and my, you know, my husband and, you know, everyone is like, things have to start moving now. Things have to start happening. And because the evil has, has run so rampant. And like I said before many times before, and I've had prophecies about it, you know, Satan is relentless.

He's never going to give up, especially the wealth. I mean, that's why he has power. So if you learn a simple lesson like in the past, you know, when the morals of a country, when they start to go down into darkness and the teachings, they go from God to man, that country. will eventually collapse. And we're seeing that morally so much every day.

And it's a sad thing, but America will be great again. There will be restoration, however that looks. I know what the Lord has shown me, things I can't reveal. Visions. And it, and what that would look like in restoration in, in parts of America, where I know I will be situated. And America is not new to me.

I am in Canada, but I lived in America for the first eight years of my life. And I do have my social security there. So I love America and maybe that's one of the reasons why I'm in Canada and I'm talking about America. Who knows? But God works amazingly and he does things for his purposes and reasons, but We've decayed.

North America, and I'm speaking of Canada too, it's a total moral decay of the family system all through the government. It goes from the church all the way down. But that country will not stand. And that's where we're at right now. A lesson that we have not learned. We have not heeded to. And there's still abortions going on.

Even though they're illegal. But praise God they're illegal. Because you know, we needed that in that government you know, we, we need that established for things to start moving. So we just need to be patient right now. We just need to wear our armor. The word get in the word. I just, I just wanna give words of hope and encouragement right now because, you know, we're all getting impatient and we're all feeling it, and, but it's coming.

It is here. And I, I, I, and I could, if I could show you and some manifest something to you right now, but his word alone is good enough. It is going to happen this year. I'm so excited in my spirit. I know this is gonna it's it's It's it's happening now, but we just don't it's not fully That's good All I know is that we're at a very important time point and you did nail hit the nail on the head in my true opinion when you brought up abortion Because abortion was when we turned from God a nation founded under God Then this nation founded under God in 74 turns to what's called the petro dollars So we don't hey we like not only do we do not We want we're going to kill the creator's creation.

Heck. We don't even need the creator's money We're going to use our own money called the petrodollar you see so we moved away from everything God gave us starting in 73-74 Yeah. I'm going to repeat that. What God gave us life, we decided to kill it. God gave us his honest money system. We decided we don't need it.

And see, so, and then, and then you layer in the cycle of Leviticus, thou shall consecrate the 50th year and proclaim Jubilee. Proclaim liberty throughout the land and to all of its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you So what I want to bring in with that is the 50 year cycle is here from 73- 74 Petrodollar contract was 74 June.

Okay, so we're at a we're at a 50 year point We are now expected to witness What was written in leviticus? Thou shall consecrate jubilee. So based on Roe v. Wade, it was last year based on the petrodollar. It's this year but basically I think you got to go to the maximum point that'll be the petrodollar contract because That was the final nail in the coffin when we decided heck we're gonna kill the creator's creation and heck We don't even need his money.

We're gonna do our own thing because we're Better than God smarter than God. You see that's what man does when he's filled with evil When man is filled with evil, they think they are going to use science to outdo God like everything man touches evil gets in the middle of and corrupts because why Very simple, Janie.

You know this. Evil's on the earth. This earth is evil's playground. Adam and Eve let evil on the earth. Right to the point, right to the point where Satan actually offered the earth to, to Jesus. Like think about the audacity, but he could, he had legal authority. Ability to do that because it was given to him.

So Just what an important time point we're living in right here. Roe v. Wade. You nailed it with abortion Yes, we're still going to have abortion. But as a nation, we're not doing it anymore God will judge states that are going to you know continue with abortion that's coming Okay, but the first thing is we need We need we need the fall of babylon.

This will be the flipping of the financial scales This will be one moment in time when Jesus the one time in the bible shows righteous anger He walks into that temple and he just starts Laying into all the people that were just selling and doing everything wrong in the temple You know, this was a you know, what was what did Jesus say in the temple?

He goes you've turned this into a den of thieves . Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, close clo. So closing thoughts, Janie. What's your heart telling you? What are you hearing from the father with regards to, you know, this moment in time, July, August time, window. As we step, you know, as we're now in summer, what are you feeling on your heart right now?

Well, you know, this is a time that we need to be patient and wait, and the biggest one that the Lord has given and said to me, we need to pray, like Paul had said, without ceasing. We need a lot, much prayer right now,

because the events are going to happen very soon. I can, I can attest, like, I can tell you that. I know this 100%. But right now, it's a time of just being very close to Him, praying, any time that you have, just spend with the Lord. And that's what he's putting even, you know, on, on me and to slow things down right now.

Because I'm, I'm doing something else right now. So, he always talks and he always wants people, you know, he wants his, his children in the church to know things, but that's what I'm really feeling right now. It's just a time to really reflect. on him and and where you are in, in your walk of life with, with Christ.

So, yeah, that's what I'm getting right now. Cause I've had to slow down the past couple of weeks and and like I said, he's, he keeps talking to me and it's great, but that's what I'm getting right now. So I also, I mentioned to you Bo, that To me, it's going to be quiet, and this is for your viewers as well most importantly, but I really feel and know in my spirit there was a vision given to me many, many years ago about the fall.

So it was in the fall and I seen golden sheaves and, and wheat. And all I know is that every cell in my being was extremely happy and I, I did not understand what I was seeing, because this was like, 2018 or something like that. But everyone was extremely happy and people were laughing. And all I got at that time was It's in the fall, in the fall, and so when I got the other vision about the mountain and the Bible and the golden, that, the Lord kind of spoke to me because it was all, it's been always about 2024, so, other things that he said, but it's here, we just have to wait and be patient and yeah.

Jamie, we all love you God loves you, and all those listening to this podcast, God loves you too, Jesus loves you. And as wild, this is a, expected to be a moment in time, probably the greatest financial move in history. Which means this multi- hundred year financial system is going to come crumbling, which means these people are not, these are alpha predators.

They will not give up without a fight. I'm telling you, this is going to get, probably we're going to step into war, but I, Janie's prophecy, what did it say? All wars will come to an end this year. So yes, they're going to scream war to scare you. They're going to probably throw the nuclear card out to scare you.

All of this is to Scare you but who's satan? He kills steals destroys. His main word is fear Okay, so in the bible it states fear not so again Excuse me, Bo, I didn't mean to interrupt. Yeah, go ahead. You'll notice it's the most spoken word in scripture fear not And I think it's over 365 times. So for each day Because we can't fear we if we don't have faith we can't please God We just like just during this time and all that stuff going on in the world, right?

They just kept you know, the news media kept saying, you know, you should be scared You should be scared of this thing. You should be scared to see again. That's fear monger. They're pushing fear out Okay, understand if you know, Jesus if you know That you know, that you know that we win, there's nothing to fear.

And so again, however, this plays out, these are alpha predators that are getting boxed into a corner. And when you box an alpha predator into a corner, okay, there's only one thing they're going to come out and do. They're going to come out with everything they got to not. Die, okay because this is a fight to the death.

So however this plays out. This is going to get scary It's going to get wild but just know that By the end of the year full on financial collapse these people have lost their control of because their financial system blows up Janey's prophecy was very clear about that. It says by the end of the year.

Secondly, if we look at this slide that I had my slide deck for quite some time already here, I wanted to show this as well to just to show you, you'll see that the 7 month calculation takes us from June to April. Right into December and the 7th month is the month of rest. So all of this comes to a head by the end of the year.

Something big is about to happen. We don't know the day or the hour. God's about to make the greatest move we've ever seen in history. And when you read scriptures, expect earthquakes. Expect volcanoes to pop off. Expect the earth to move. Okay, expect all of that. Expect all, floods, floods, right? Expect all of this to go down.

But again, fear not, this is God moving against evil. Again, this is God moving against evil. Yeah. I have to tell you this in your viewers and you might think, well, that's just, but in front of our home, we have this beautiful huge blue spruce. I think it's a blue spruce on an opine or something. My husband knows more about trees than I do.

Anyway, it's huge. So it's about I'd say maybe 18 feet tall. It's a big, like a Christmas tree. And the Lord told us To actually light that last year at Christmas and leave it lit. And then that's when I met Bo during this and. We have it lit every single night. We're the only one on the on the on our on our street.

But it's so beautiful because I got the little little little lights and it's it's kind of quiet, but it's quaint But it's and I keep looking at that and every every day I look at that and I'm looking at my living room window and I'm like this Christmas I don't know like something's gotta happen this Christmas or like I know it's gonna happen this year But he told me to do that.

So I don't know if there's any significance yet But I kind of do know. So, yeah, I think Christmas is going to be really good this year. Yeah. It'll be the worst Christmas in history and the best Christmas in history. And that's what Jamie's referencing. Because when God intervenes, it's a double edged sword.

It's the worst of times in the best of times. Of times. Janie, thank you for being here as always. We'll have you back again. God bless you and your husband And it was a pleasure seeing you in Detroit. Yes. Thank you. Likewise and Sophia and yeah, praise God He's so good. And we just need to keep being patient.

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