The Coming War With Iran

2 months ago

You Should Be Making Sure None Of These Slimeball Politicians Sleep At Night. This Country Should Be In Revolt Against This War Machine. Instead All You Dumb Trump Supporters Are Right Back In The Car With Empire Trying To Relabel It Patriotism. Falling For Every Mocking Bird Media Division Tactic & Lie. Making Enemy Out Of People Fighting For The Same Freedom From Tyranny You Claim To Want. You Repeat The Mainstream Mantra And Call Them Terrorist. You Let Them Trigger Your Religious Ignorance & Bias or Your Indoctrinated Racial Hatred. Or Maybe Your Schtick Is Sex/Gender Phobia or Social Classes Who Gage Success By The Size Of Their Debt. ?? They Are The Puppet Masters And You Are The Puppets That Do The Same Motions Every Time Your Strings Are Pulled.

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