Stores like this catering to people from Asia

4 months ago

Video: A small 400sf store outside of SF for inexpensive rent selling Indonesia food is doing good business. Stores like this catering to people from Asia like, HK, Taiwan & China craving for authentic food from their regions. US is a country that the people could spent the rest of their life eating junk foods from places like McDonald and Pizza won’t understands. 一個小小的店不到四百尺在三藩市市中心之外平租金的地方賣印尼特產生意很好. 就像來自香港台灣或中國的人都想找原產地食物或食材味道和賣相,美國這個沒有食物文化,祇懂得天天到處挑起戰火進行種族滅絕行為和族族仇恨的國家,尤其是對待中國人自1882通過排華法案後天天駡有五千年文化的美國華人, 中國人和中國的美國人可以吃 McDonald, Pizza Hut 度日的國家,他們是無法理解.

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