United States Postal Service is out of control!! I am Criminally trespassed!!

6 months ago

The citizens in the US have a serious problem that problem is government officials!
But this video is about the United States Postal Service we've been seeing a lot of activity at post offices around the country auditors are getting harassed and arrested for nothing more than taking photos and video of public property!
Property that we the people own!
In the beginning of this video you will see at the willow post office how an audit is supposed to go how the employees are supposed to respond to a camera!
when we get further into the video you will see the difference between a PASS and a FAIL!

I was contacted by a friend who works at the post office in Wasilla she informed me that Brian Young had sent out a memo with a picture of me stating if you see this guy do not engage him leave him alone!
So I decided to go and investigate!
At the end of the video you will see that interaction! Please leave your comments I am actually very interested in what everybody has to say thank you so much for the support and for watching!
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Trying to file a complaint on Alaska State Trooper Pete Steen Mat-Su West Post contact info 907-373-8300 ♢CALL FLOOD♢

State of Alaska Department of Public Safety Alaska State Troopers B Detachment Mat-Su West Post
Address: 527 North Pittman Wasilla Alaska 99623
7362 West Parks Highway number 822 Wasilla Alaska 99623
-- Alaska state Trooper-- Pete Stnne-- He's at the same location!
Complaint Form website:
part https://dps.alaska.gov/apsc/public-forms

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