A Washed Brazilian by Assembly roast in London on Aeropress

7 months ago

Producer — Jamilson Cezati

Farm — Sítio Balança
Region — Balança, Castelo, Montanhas Do Espírito Santo
Variety — Red Catucai
Terroir — 950 masl, temperate tropical climate
Process — Washed - The Best of Espírito Santo

Produced by the Cezati family at Sítio Balança, this is one of three coffees that make up our Best of Espírito Santo collection. As with several other coffee-growing regions in Brazil, Espírito Santo’s harvest season doesn’t sync up with the sourcing programmes of many coffee roasters based abroad.

And so, with none of the coffees making it onto cupping tables during sourcing visits to origin of these overseas roasters, they are usually destined for the domestic market.

Outside of our sourcing activities, we recently visited our green coffee partners – Mió - to launch a collaborative agroforestry project – Sombra. During the trip, we were lucky enough to sample several coffees grown in Espírito Santo – one of which is this specific lot.

Grown at 950 masl, this coffee is another indicator that altitude might not be the variable that most effects quality. Instead, it’s likely that it’s the diversity of the soil microbiome in which the coffee is grown – directly impacted by the biodiversity of the surrounding habitat.

Research in this area is being driven forward in Brazil by Professor Lucas Louzada of the Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo and it was him who introduced us to this coffee.

In the cup you’ll find the indulgent texture associated with exceptional Brazilian coffees, vibrant stone fruit flavours and prominent sweetness. …. https://assemblycoffee.co.uk/collections/buy-coffee/products/brazil-jamilson-cezati

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