Olympics Ceremony Occult Breakdown - Cause Before Symptom

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Olympics Ceremony Occult Breakdown

Let’s talk about the Olympics ceremony. The fire that they use has not been out since the beginning of the first Olympics. Fire is considered to be active; it is represented by the symbol for Leo and it is referred to the lower right point of the pentacle in the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentacle. Many of these associations have since spread throughout the occult community. The elite are saying we are still active and will not stop our agenda. As an element, fire has mixed symbolism because it represents energy, which can be helpful when controlled, but volatile if left unchecked. The pyramid is associated with fire. It symbolizes transformation and regeneration, burning away the old to make way for the new. Fire energy is dynamic and active, pushing for change and progress. The fire element in its purest form is a symbol of life, warmth, and light, but when uncontrolled, it can also represent destruction and chaos. It also symbolizes cleansing and purification, but it is more than a symbol. Material fire is the symbol, and the fire of Spirit is the reality. The whole universe is alive with a divine, living, spiritual energy that consumes all the dross of sense and materiality. A symbolic fire was introduced in 1928 to showcase the tournament's location to the surrounding community. The Olympic flame relay has its genesis in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, when secretary general Carl Diem suggested a flame lit in Greece make its way to Germany. Germany is the culmination of the origination of the familes of Khazars or the Zionists. The white Jews who hijacked Judaism. The Olympic flame is a powerful symbol of the Games — it is intended to embody the ideals of peace, unity, and the enduring spirit of competition. Its origins trace back to the ancient Greek tradition, where a sacred flame burned at the altar of Hestia during the original Olympic Games. A red coat came out holding the fire first. To Schindler, the red coat represents the innocence of the Jews being slaughtered. The Jews are saying to the world that their actions on Gaza is justified. In the United States, "Redcoat" is associated in cultural memory with the British soldiers who fought against the Patriots during the American Revolutionary War. The Library of Congress possesses several examples of the uniforms the British Army used during this time. The Jews are also telling the world that they control America and its destiny. The coat is against the patriot spirit or those that oppose a new world order.

The runners of the flame are wearing Mormon underwear. While doing a pretty good job of presenting one aspect of the significance of LDS garments (“The garment provides a constant reminder of the covenants you have made in the temple,” according to LDS Manual True to the Faith), The underwear is this essential quality from which the moniker “magic” emerges. Within the teachings of Mormonism, the “Garment of the Holy Priesthood” received during an LDS temple ceremony is not merely a reminder, but is also “a shield and a protection” to the faithful wearer (so says the LDS endowment ceremony). While LDS leaders today seem to promote the idea that the “shield and protection” is solely spiritual in nature, this hasn’t always been the case. Early LDS teachings touting the physical protection offered by these garments has given birth in these latter latter-days to Mormon folklore recounting stories of miraculous protection from harm and preservation of life for those wearing the garments. The elite are saying they are protected by Baal’s hand from Jehovah. They are running with the flame under full protection from Satan. They run because time is running out. Two of the runners are handicapped. Or missing a leg. This is Masonic symbolism. The notion of Freemasons missing digits may be connected to certain historical rituals or traditions associated with some Masonic groups or lodges. In the past, there have been anecdotal accounts of certain Masonic initiation rituals that involved symbolic gestures or actions that could potentially result in physical harm, such as the accidental loss of a finger or toe. These rituals were intended to convey moral lessons or allegorical meanings to the initiates. The elite are telling the world they plan on doing physical harm to the population.

One male and one female carried the torch had glasses on. This has many Masonic meanings. Firing glasses: These glasses are engraved with Masonic symbols like the compass and rule, and the name of the lodge that owns them. They can be used as centerpieces or in Lodge of Festive Board settings. When gently tapped, the thickness of the glass can create a unique ringing tone. They also represent the hour glass that their time to rule over man and woman is almost here. This is the time the demons said to Jesus, in Matthew 8:29 The demons screamed at Jesus, shouting, “Son of God, what do you want with us? Leave us alone! Have you come to torment us before the appointed time?” This appointed time is when the Holy Ghost leaves the world. This is the oil that is filled in the lamps before the wedding. Some Christians who were not baptized will be left behind during the Harpazo or rapture of the bride. It doesn’t mean they go to hell. It just means because they didn’t follow Jesus as their lord and accept the Holy Ghost into their temple that they will witness horrible events on this earth and will fear for their lives. Then they passed the torch to a fat man. This represents the sacrifice to Baal. They are saying we fattened you up to be eaten by their children the nephilim.

They all wear scarves. The sacral scarf is Minoan symbolism, these pieces of fabric may have been garments the Minoan priestesses wore during ritual and hence were sacred. The art suggests that Minoan religion involved trance possession, the clergy member being 'ridden' by the deity during ritual and hence becoming the deity incarnate. The scarf means they are possessing mankind and have achieved enough to bring in Appollyon the destroyer. Since 75% of mankind took the mRNA gene therapy drug, they are saying that those that took it are possessed. Although some occults say it means protection, the underwear beneath the scarf is doing so. The meaning is we now have possession of the majority of the world. Then they pass the torch to an elder in a wheelchair. It’s raining and he’s absolutely soaked. This is war against the elderly who demands retirement. He’s not wearing the underwear and there is an orange stripe down his arm like a the obese ones had. Orange represents Trump and the Orange family that plans on eliminating them. They are marked for death. There is a balloon in the middle of a circle surrounded by water. It’s spherical and gold. All around the sphere are deity statues of gods that ate mankind. The balloon represents grace and mercy when we are helpless. The sphere is held down with a thousand points of light. The golden sphere is Jesus representing Jacob’s ladder or the 12 steps that lead us to heaven. They are saying there is no mercy and you are helpless because the ascension to heaven has been captured by Satan. This could represent a soul or spirit capturing device that grabs the spirit before it ascends. I don’t believe that. I do believe that since 75% of humanity took the shot that it killed their VMAT2 god gene this trapping 75% of the world to not believe in Jesus anymore. As they light the fire, the flames represent hell that burns underneath the captured balloon that is Jesus or ascension. The last two that lit it up were a black man and black woman. This is saying the first man and woman was black. Adam and Eve. They are the ones responsible for torching the majority of humanity. The circle underneath the balloon is a 6 lit up by candles. It’s a spell as the number of man is 6. This represents cern. Apparently the large hadron collider is the machine that could potentially capture spirits by bending space and time so we do not ascend into the 12 steps of Jacob’s ladder.

I don’t believe in timelines or time travel. Because I don’t understand how the butterfly affect can change the world based on a choice. This means there are incalculable timelines and tracking that would be a nightmare. But the symbology of this ceremony is telling us they are using cern to stop Jacob’s ladder. This is by far the most telling evidence I have ever encountered. Perhaps we are jumping timelines but not in the way that we think. The Mandela effect was proven to be real in a video of cern employees who left us clues. They are changing the timelines but it doesn’t split apart into two or infinity. It just changes the current timeline by the butterfly effect. Apparently cern when turned on can make enough changes to halt the progression of revelations. That I believe now. Satan is changing time or altering it. Apparently he doesn’t want the tribulation to happen yet. So we are stuck here until the father sends his son.

The balloon takes off upward. That surprised me. But with it, came the fire right underneath it. This is saying wherever Jesus and his children go, hell with follow it. It also means hell is responsible for Jesus’ followers’ enlightenment. Satan is saying to the world that we need him for duality. He is saying to god that our progression is because of the kingdom of darkness. That his position of evil is good for us. His justification or case in the high courts will be his evil brought us closer to god.

Liberation is the theme of the entertainment show. Liberty. It starts off with Marie Antonette’s head chopped off as she sings a cryptic tune. Marie-Antoinette was guillotined in 1793 after the Revolutionary Tribunal found her guilty of crimes against the state. This is a celebration of revelations where the Christians heads will be chopped off. The liberty and freedom from Christianity starts this year. She was the one who coined the phrase, “let them eat cake” has been cited as showing her obliviousness to the poor conditions in which many of her subjects lived while she lived decadently, but she probably never said it. She was known for the decline of the French monarchy. As queen, Marie Antoinette became increasingly unpopular among the people; the French libelles accused her of being profligate, promiscuous, having illegitimate children, and harboring sympathies for France's perceived enemies, including her native Austria. The French Revolution happened during Henry and her reign. The band Gojira started performing their song Ah! Ça ira which means “it’ll be fine”.

It'll be okay
Oh. It'll be okay, be okay, be okay,
Hang the aristocrats from on high!
Oh. It'll be okay, be okay, be okay,
The aristocrats, we'll hang 'em all.
Despotism will breathe its last,
Liberty will take the day,
Oh. It'll be okay, be okay, be okay,
We don't have any more nobles or priests,
Oh. It'll be okay, be okay, be okay,
Equality will reign everywhere,
The Austrian slave will follow him,
To the Devil will they fly.
Oh. It'll be okay, be okay, be okay,
To the Devil will they fly.

This seems to me the usher in of the Breakspeare family. The 500 year breaking of the spear. The spear of longinus. The spear that peirced Jesus’ side. Marie Antonette’s beheading was the last remaining Breakspeare controlled families. I believe a new beheading is coming. Could be Hillary or Merkyle or some other person who is the last of the Orsini controlled families that will be removed publicly. The band Gojira, which means Godzilla, or Gorilla or Beast. They have a sonf dedicated to lucifer called The Shooting Star which some of the words go “Following the spark like a rocket in the sky, Between the bear and the scorpion, getting close
Headed north, frozen land, where tigers go to die, Don't fear the cold, it'll numb your memories out, You are higher, In the sky” I believe this is Lucifer’s time to reign using Russia and China under the Breakspeare rule. A new monarchy with the coming of the Antichrist. The shooting Star is lucifer falling from the sky like lightening. I believe he hasn’t been tossed out of heaven yet.

They had the Les Miserable play before the band started then during. A boat is passing while blood is spilled through the castle windows. It’s the arrival of the feminin Apoolyon. She wears red and white, symbolizing to get to purity you must spill blood. People are on stilts flying around like they are demons loosed from the pit. The director cuts to 3 college kids in a library wearing rainbow clothing flirting with each other via two men and a woman which all are flirting and lusting for one another as if this new world will set them free for sexual permiscuity. They call sex love as the back of their clothing has hearts. They rebel by thwoing boooks and paper into the air as if the rule of law is over. Or the rule of Jehovah. Rainbow flags everywhere on the demons flying through the air. It’s as if it seems that the progressive era of the past 500 years wasn’t progressive enough. The new savior comes with religious and sexual freedom from the bondage of old.

The last supper of Jesus and his disciples were mocked by drag queens performing the same supper. It actually made headline news as if it made conservatives upset. It went from the supper of Jesus to a cat walk of style. The 2012 London olympics depicted hospital beds, nurses and the grim reaper which predicted the pandemic. It had creepy music (including “Tubular Bells,” a song used in “The Exorcist” horror film), dance music, dancing nurses, characters on roller skates, children in pajamas jumping on hospital beds, towering villainous puppets, and a fleet of Mary Poppins nannies who flew in with their umbrellas to chase away frightening monsters. 7 years later, the pandemic hit and the news denies it. What I have seen with my own eyes is the coming of Appolyon within the next 7 years if we go by how long it took for the pandemic to hit. Appollyon is the antichrist coming to free us from the bondage of Jehovah or the Father in Heaven or Jesus and the Holy Ghost. The entire ceremony was satanic to the core and the elite are responsible for such extravagant displays of terror. The drag queens and LGBTQIA symbology was using queer lifestyles as what is needed to free us from the old ways. I feel bad for those that are homosexual and their society is being used for religious purposes. Yet, no one in the community seems to care that they are being used to mock God. I love anyone for whoever they are and am not against the LGBTQ movement. But I am against any movement being used for political gain and it’s quite clear to me that they are being used and that is a shame. To be used for divide and conquer purposes and to try and rattle Christianity.

One of the acts of the ceremony witnessed a rider on a pale horse parading along the river Seine which captured the eyes of many at the event and beyond. In a post on X, a user posted the picture of the rider on the pale horse which soon was associated with Death itself at the Olympics.

As part of the Olympic opening ceremony, one of the acts included a Gendarmerie officer riding on a metal horse on the parade route along the Seine River. The horsewoman was wearing a cape printed with the Flag of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

A user shared a short clip of the rider on the horse on microblogging platform X and wrote, “If you have any doubt what is going on at the Olympics opening ceremony. A single rider on a pale horse is straight out of the book of Revelation,” and then quoted from the book, “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and the name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."

According to Vigilant Ciztizen on his breakdown of the 2012 Olympic ceremonies was Watched by almost a billion viewers across all five continents, the 2012 Olympic ceremonies were, for a few hours, the focal point of the world. As is the case for most high-profile media events, the world elite’s messages, symbols, and agenda were part of the show.

Olympic ceremonies are often among the most watched TV events on the planet. They are an exceptional chance for the host countries to showcase their greatness through a grandiose, elaborate and massive show. The 2012 London Olympics were no exception as England’s history, culture and accomplishments were thoroughly celebrated and applauded. Some moments were grand, others were funny; some were dark and even disturbing. Other moments were highly symbolic, reflecting the agenda of the occult elite. Given that London is one of the power capitals of the world, it would have been more surprising if the symbolism and philosophy of the global elite had not been infused throughout the ceremonies.

Of course, not everything was symbolic in that sense and not everything was in-your-face, but over the course of the several hours that the ceremonies lasted, a good deal of symbolism was communicated to billion of viewers around the world. Let’s look at the most symbolic moments of the 2012 London Olympics.

Olympic Ceremonies traditionally showcase the host Nation’s history and culture but also celebrates those behind the games: the occult elite. Since London is a power capital of the world with a rich occult history ranging from the Knight Templars to influential Masonic lodges, and not forgetting prominent occultists advising the royals such as John Dee and Sir Francis Bacon, is it surprising to see this aspect of History being referred to in a symbolic matter?

While obviously not everything during Olympic ceremonies related to Illuminati symbolism, there were plenty of elements inserted throughout to get the message across. In the end, the Olympic games, like many other media events, turned into a worldwide mega ritual celebrating the goals and the symbolism of the world elite. So it’s not hard to predict the future anymore. You can know what is happening through the economist magazine, the super bowl and olympic ceremonies. The elite with visions of granduer purposely expose their agenda for the people who are aware to prepare for their next magic show. The good news is the media is reporting the dark symbolism of the ceremonies so that could help spread awareness, but it is never enough.


Fire (classical element) - Wikipedia

Fire Classical Element: Do You Have Too Much Fire Energy?

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Sacred Mormon Garments Work Like a Charm | Mormon Coffee

The Sacral Scarf: Minoan Symbolism - PaganSquare - PaganSquare - Join the conversation!

Marie Antoinette - Wikipedia





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