Trump Works For Obama The Beast Man: 666 Revelation 13:18.

2 months ago

Trump leaves the Whitehouse. Biden moves in. Inauguration Day 20.1.2021.

+ 666 Days. Math breakdown = (2 Months 16 Days + 84 Weeks)
After Trump exited the Whitehouse.

= 15th November 2022.
Mar A Lago Florida Trump officially announces his 2024 Presidential Run.

5+ Months before Biden even announced his 2024 Presidential run officially 25th April 2023. Wow.

As in my book. Amazon E Kindle: The 666 story begins here. Saga 1.
Only $10 Aussie bucks. In 1.5 Years sadly only half a dozen purchases. The Truth is not popular, but it is still the TRUTH. If you appreciate this ministry and the Facts you hear well, please by all means I welcome a small financial support. For 23 pages of revealed Truth. Compiled from years of observation, research and study.

The Global Elite Count. They have applied math's, they have added and multiplied. They know the KJB back to front even though many are Luciferian's, Freemasons, Jesuits, etc. etc.

Genesis 1:1 KJB.

+ 216 Chapters = Judges chapter 5
(2nd of three chapter mentions of character called Barak)
1. Judges chapter 4.
2. Judges chapter 5.
3. Hebrews chapter 11.

The 3 Chapter mentions of Barak/Barack.

+ 84 Chapters
(Barack Obama born August 4th) (8.4) The 216th Day of the year = Math's 6x6x6 = Movie Pi Faith in Chaos 1998. = Revelation 13:18.

= 1st Kings Chapter 10. 666.

(1st of three Six Hundred Threescore and Six mentions in the King James Bible.)

15th November 2022.
Trump. Run for President official.

+ 13 Days 1 Year 8 Months
= Revelation 13:18.

The events of chapter 13 up to verse 18. Including the whole chapter are at play in 2024. It's called a New World Order =
The Biblical End Of Days.

Of which Trump, Biden, Kamala and Obama are all playing their part.

Matthew chapter 24.
Jesus said "Let No Man Deceive You" Revelation. Let No Man Steal Your Crown. Do Not get blotted out of the Lambs Book of Life. (Yes you can)

Wednesday 24th July 2024.
666 Zionist Israel Netanyahu addresses US congress.

Thursday 25th July 2024.
Netanyahu visits Biden and Kamala Harris. (showing bi partisanship?)

Absolutely NOT. But rather declaring that Zionist Israel Owns both political US Democracy? parties.

It's The illusion of choice. Rep vs Dem. Dualism. Same bird. A Phoenix not a Eagle on the great seal of the American 1 Dollar Bill. A Luciferian takeover 1776 - 2030.

= FRIDAY 26th July 2024.
13:18 milestone is up.
13 Days 1 Year 8 Months into Trumps Presidential Campaign 2024.

26th July 2024. Trump addresses Deceived "Turning Point USA" "Believers Summit" without his Ear band aid. Boasts that he does not know why he chose to remove the band aid for this speaking engagement. Really??? Right wing Evangelical Christians are easy prey. Useful pawns for a Zionist, Noahide Laws by 2028/2030 Takeover.

Friday 26th July 2024. Trump Meets with Netanyahu Mar A Lago.

My bet is that Netanyahu really supports "Americas First Acting President" again for a second term.

Friday 26th July 2024.
Obama's officially endorse Kamala Harris.

666 Revelation 13:18 is at play.

The Obama Man. His Friends/allies.

The G7 The group of 7 which I believe is the 7 headed beast in Revelation chapter 13 of which Trump recently took a Staged False Flag hit.

The Biometric Digital ID/CBDC QR Code Mark is being released to all Now by 2028/2030.

Biometric Update. News.


Before you enter a Eternity of Pain and Regret and Self Loathing.

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