Video Our Photographer on Capturing the Bullet Streaking Past Trump.

1 month ago

Unlike the John F. Kennedy assassination, that was a success by our government, this is a botched, I say botched attempt by our government from the CIA FBI Secret Service, and the communist administration running our country, and I would go as far to say the New World Order. I’m sure there are some others you might think of.
Republican Congress is drilling people and getting nowhere and we already know who is responsible. I wouldn’t rule the possibilities of the Clintons, Obamas, and a few other ones, that he has really rubbed the wrong because he knows what they are really representing, human trafficking, being children and women mostly drugs, and the sickening pedophile agenda of the one's in office and out of office.
Who are also involved in anything that they can get their hands on for a profit, money laundering being mostly your money, even our Christian rights, freedom of speech, slavery of the American people. How you say, by taking away as many rights as they can, our guns are next. The current administration running our country is in bed with the New World order.
Our Republican Congress just keeps drilling people and getting nowhere and we already know the real responsible ones. I wouldn’t rule the possibilities of the Clintons, Obamas, And the Bushes, and a few of the other ones that he has already rubbed the wrong because he knows what they are really represent.
Next will be your guns.
In closing the most obvious things going on right now in D.C., the protesting and destroying our monuments, by painting them and even busting some up, and where is the government, nowhere. It’s ok to do what they're doing, but let's throw people in prison most without a trial, and they didn't' even destroy anything and was let by the police and we all know that was a setup, don’t we.

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