X Society Food Eaters Episode 1: Turtles try the Dunkin Donuts chicken & roasted pepper wrap.

1 month ago

Introducing a new 𝕏 show 🚨

Currently if you download the rewards app, you can buy this wrap or another for $3! Is it worth it?

The Turtles walk you through it!

Why are we doing this? Food connects us all. We break bread with friends and enemies IRL. Why don’t we do it on X as well?

The Food Eaters programming will hopefully expand into some fun organized Spaces as well for foodies (both fast food and more formal options as well)!

In addition, as an entrepreneur, I personally am under a tight budget right now.

We know a lot of people have been laid off and have been struggling with the rising costs of food.

As a result, I and other X Society members may share deals and options in video or text to help make groceries affordable again.

Want to see us eat something in particular?

Let us know in the X Society Community.

Turtle Island, Turtle Tyrant

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