American Christian Old Timey "Usual" Ministry Subcultures

5 months ago

"From the lone lady new visitor also Expat Perspective. FortheBody of Christ. (Note ..this lengthy. Watch in sections as it's fairly About This NOW..or you can Binge Watch! GODS PEACE! ) Sister Taveaus USA sent ministry observing ..being in.. kinds of travels. Usually Book of Acts styles. With good worship, faith, His presence. Various different styles usually mostly now media strongly effected. Cult followers and huge many Good Ole Persons. Unfriendly tatargeting certain TYPES or Styles. May be racist ..often ministry LP misogynist and demonic "little woman",huge stereotype. TAVEAU GOES THRU THE HISTORY OF THE USA NATIVE mostly white huge Bible Believing subculture and eye witnessed it as it was introduced to celebrity Christian and merchandising it and getting Bleesses and really busy. And after doing that often to get hard, tough controlling and mostly self consumed and Elite .meaning going off target Christ centered and they eventually stopped carrying the Cross...or even talking about it

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