Judaism Disrespects God’s Name

3 months ago

Judaism misspells Jesus Christ and God the Father on purpose out of what they call “respect”. Names mean everything, not just a title for someone or something but can also imply a state of disrespect if wielded just so. Judaism requires that you say God’s original name that was given to Moses and that translating His name to anything else other than Yahwah is considered a form of disrespect. But their literal way of thinking is incredibly disrespectful to God and we get into it.



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Talmud unmasked PDF. Apparently it was originally written in 1892 but was finished publishing in 1939. It has references of passages from the Talmud and other jewish written work that describes Christians as a proper sacrifice to God, especially in a time of war.

LXX Septuagint on amazon

LXX Septuagint on the Lexham website.

If you need help finding a good translation of the bible and the VB hasn’t been fully translated yet, then consider a Septuagint. Most orthodox Christians and Catholics use a Septuagint rather than an NIV or a KJV. Always look at genesis chapter 4:9… most bible translations are inaccurate and read “am I my brother’s keeper?”. The verse translated properly actually means “I’m not my brother’s guardian, am I?” The term used for guardian is “keep” as in a “castle keep”… it means “to guard”. “Keeper” alludes to some form of slave ownership, with which, is inaccurate.

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