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15 seconds

Pet Talk With The Pet Doc

Streamed on:

Dr. Mike helps keep your pets happy and healthy. Dr. Mike will tell you about the latest treatments in pet health. We also take your questions about your pets.
Check out his NEW blog that deals with the weekly show! https://drmikehutchinson.com/blog/


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  • So happy to see you have your own page! Thank you for your wonderful advice for helping us help our pets live their best lives!

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  • PET SHOW TOPIC minute Timestamps for 07-27-2024 from WBR Radio 0:01 Colostrum LD for Athletic Nutrition 0:04 Leptospirosis & Blue Green pond Algae 0:06 Symptoms of Leptospirosis 0:09 When is vomiting a concern: 8 hour fasting rule 0:12 Lumbosacral joint stenosis: PRP & Acupunture 0:21 Hairball prevention remedies: Food & Laxatone 0:23 Dog Pooping in crate: Possible Uterine Infection 0:28 Cats in Heat Concerns 0:30 Feral Cats: Scratches & Rabies concerns 0:32 Flea & Tick treatment for dogs that don’t like pills 0:36 Bloat Prevention hints 0:40 Dog Cancer vaccine procedure description 0:51 Blindness in Dogs: Understanding & Treatments 1:03 Dog Walk hints & exercise in summertime heat Don’t Just Live and Let Live But Live and Help Live Emails: WBRBrock@gmail.com with Subject: PET SHOW BLOG hints: DrMikeHutchinson.com/blog #dog #cat #veterinarian #pethealth #PRP #vaccines

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  • another great episode. nice for new page it helps me share it directly with others