Woke Firewalk Studios Employee EXPOSED: Unhinged and Hates Gamers!

6 hours ago

A Senior Concept Artist at Firewalk Studios working on Concord has a history of attacking gamers who’ve criticized upcoming games like the Silent Hill 2 remake. She has also been vocal about her hate for @Grummz, calling his rhetoric "dangerous."

A few days ago, a whistleblower reached out to Smash JT with startling revelations about some employees at Firewalk Studios and the toxic work environment there. This whistleblower exposed another woke employee, Amanda Kiefer, a Senior Concept Artist. While Amanda is undeniably talented, her aggressive online behavior paints a different picture.

Known on Twitter as @ImagineAmanda, she has a history of attacking gamers who dare to criticize games like Silent Hill 2. Her online presence is unprofessional and divisive, labeling any critique as malicious. She has also targeted industry figures like @Grummz, further polarizing the gaming community.

This whistleblower’s information aligns with the sentiment in the gaming community. Before this exposure, Amanda had already blocked me on Twitter. Firewalk Studios, where Amanda wields influence, is plagued by a toxic culture, rife with extreme political correctness and a heavy-handed left-leaning agenda. This stifles diverse viewpoints and fosters an unhealthy workplace.

Amanda's behavior is reminiscent of other problematic figures in the industry. The focus on pronouns, nose piercings, and body diversity in Concord might seem progressive, but it signals deeper issues. This is about pushing ideologies rather than enhancing the game or respecting creative freedom.

Amanda Kiefer’s attacks on gamers and her overt political activism reflect broader issues within Firewalk Studios. The environment is extremely toxic, dominated by leftist views that alienate gamers and industry professionals alike.

In the midst of the colossal failure of the live-service hero-shooter Concord, a whistleblower with inside knowledge has stepped forward to reveal the reality of a toxic, ideologically-driven culture that is wrecking Sony's once-promising studio.

Firewalk Studios, once part of Probably Monsters and acquired by Sony, has taken a sharp turn towards extreme progressive ideologies. Despite public claims of being "people-focused," the studio silences any right-leaning opinions, swiftly axing or blacklisting dissenters. The studio mandates pronouns and embeds Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) into every facet of its culture, creating divisive and exclusionary environments.

This toxic culture is epitomized by the character development team. A prominent team member, known as @Wertle on Twitter, recently came out as non-binary and demanded to be called "Professor," despite having no credentials to justify the title.

This insider's revelations confirm our worst fears about the industry's downward spiral. The mind virus of extreme political correctness ruins companies and alienates gamers. The whistleblower’s courage in exposing this disturbing reality shines a light on the need for change within Firewalk Studios.

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