South Korea Police Arrest 3 Chinese Students Capturing US Navy Carrier Footage

7 months ago

07/26/2024 WION: Three Chinese students were nabbed by Busan police on the 25th of June after being accused of having captured illegal drone footage of the American Navy carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt and the Busan military base. Busan police alleged that the students violated the enforcement decree of the protection of military bases and installations Act. This is not a one-off incident. It echoes with similar incidents in the United States.
#Busan #UScarriers #dronecapture #espionage
07/26/2024 世界一体新闻台:三名中国留学生于6月25日被釜山警方逮捕,原因是他们使用无人机非法拍摄了美国海军“西奥多‧罗斯福号”航空母舰和釜山军事基地的照片。釜山警方指控这些学生违反了《军事基地和军事设施保护法》。这类事件并非孤例,在美国也发生了许多类似事件。
#釜山 #美军航母 #无人机偷拍 #间谍

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