Sales Led Growth Modelling is the death of you.. Here is why

7 months ago

What if I TOLD you, the model is the problem.

What if I told you, the previous modelling, provided connective actions that handed you organizational alignment?

There are TWO elements at play here.

→ Sales Led Growth & Predictable Revenue™ Inc. modelling, has WASHED out the skillsets that were fundamentals across the funnel
→ Sales Led Growth - Has REMOVED the traditional learning pathway CS -> BD > Marketing / C Suite.

↳ So to recap, we not only have a generation of marketers and sellers, that have never seen the connective actions across the funnel, that provided piss easy organisational alignment.


↳ They also haven’t seen what good looks like, as the model is so broken - its dismantled the learning pathway.

DON’T believe me?

Listen closely to my explanation here.


Leaning back into fundamentals that not only WIN you the deal, but also bring you organisational alignment, made easy.

So what does good end-to-end organisational alignment look like?

How can you get
_customer success

all playing on the same team? And driving better business outcomes?


We've teamed up with The B2B Playbook and George Coudounaris (Unless you have been living under a rock, are some of the best marketers worldwide..and we have Clearbit to substantiate that fact) give you an end-to-end framework - And showing you HOW to change the measure and therefore change the outcomes....

If you're a:
+ Head of Sales

Or you want to understand what 'alignment' can look like

We've put together a mini-series for you


Check out episode 3 of our mini-series where we share our joint Framework on The B2B Playbook + Closed Circuit Selling = Chief Revenue School

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#CROschool #ClosedCircuitSelling

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