U.S. Presidential Races Hide The Criminality Of The U.S. Empire

14 hours ago

U.S. Presidential Races Hide The Criminality Of The U.S. Empire

July 26, 2024


Caitlin Johnstone

The thing I hate about western electoral politics in general and U.S. presidential races in particular is that they take the focus off the depravity of the U.S. centralized empire itself, and run cover for its criminality.

In the coming months you’re going to be hearing a lot of talk about the two leading presidential candidates and how very very different they are from each other, and how one is clearly much much worse than the other. But in reality the very worst things about both of them will not be their differences — the worst things about them will be be the countless ways in which they are both indistinguishably in lockstep with one another.

Donald Trump is not going to end America’s non-existent “democracy” if elected and rule the United States as an iron-fisted dictator, and he’s certainly not going to be some kind of populist hero who leads a revolution against the Deep State.

He will govern as your standard evil Republican president who is evil in all the usual ways US presidents are evil, just like he did during his first term. His administration will continue to fill the world with more war machinery, implement more starvation sanctions, back covert operations, uprisings and proxy conflicts, and work to subjugate the global population to the will of the empire, all while perpetuating the poisoning of the earth via ecocidal capitalism, just as all his predecessors have done.

And the same will be true of whatever moronic fantasies Republicans wind up concocting about Kamala Harris between now and November. She’s not going to institute communism or give everyone welfare, implement Sharia law, weaken Israel, take everyone’s guns, subjugate Americans to the “Woke Agenda” and make everyone declare their pronouns and eat bugs, or any of that fuzzbrained nonsense.

She will continue to expand US warmongering and tyranny while making the world a sicker, more violent, and more dangerous place for everyone while funneling the wealth of the people and the planet into the bank accounts of the already obscenely rich. Just as Biden has spent his entire term doing, and just as Trump did before him.

Reading by Tim Foley

Article with supporting links: https://caityjohnstone.medium.com/us-presidential-races-hide-the-criminality-of-the-us-empire-e7349167bf82

Original: https://youtu.be/3NDd86GJwQ8

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I write about the end of illusions. 100% reader-funded writer. All works co-authored with my American husband Tim Foley.

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