War Room With Owen Shroyer THURSDAY 7/26/24

1 day ago

War Room With Owen Shroyer
Something is Seriously Off With Joe Biden
There were some strange anomalies with Joe Biden’s address last night, his first appearance in weeks and first since dropping out of the race. Owen Shroyer explains what he sees and what Biden’s current status is. The propaganda protecting Kamala Harris from the border policy intensifies. We ask podcast host Emily Wilson if Kamala can win the female vote. We address the left wing violence in response to the Netanyahu visit in Washington D.C.

Visit The Other Great Infowars Hosts and Shows:
Alex Jones Show: https://rumble.com/c/c-2379862
Harrison Smith of American Journal: https://rumble.com/c/c-2379892
Greg Reese Report: https://rumble.com/c/c-2379922

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