The Emperor's Air Dragon Energy Vlog

2 months ago

The Emperor's Air Dragon Energy Vlog Title is form the date July 26, 2024 thus 31 which added togethr five us #4 the Emperor card a dicvine male a masterbuilder a tyrant at its worse.
The Air drao0gn is from the Draong Oracle deck this card depicts a fth dimensional dragon who aid you to rise above earthly matters, it want you to communicate honestly, it brings inspiration and hope. promt yiou to see life from a higher perspective.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News showed us two amplitudes, the first is apower of 9 at 10:00 A
TC thus we have the sheelo of fortune to the hermit as he gains inner wisdom. The second amplitude power o is 10 at 4:30PM UTC thus the Chariot moving swiftly on the wheel of fortune in the battle fora new earth timeline. The quality has a power of 6 The Lover card a harmouniouosrelationhip of baalnce and intuition. It also could be a political partnership depending on the question asked. The frequency average is 7.80 hertz thus #15 the devil is in the details obsession and addiction will lead you to the devil. Therefore we can say: The emperor seeing the wheel of fortune bring ikarmic change to the lovers because of the bedeviled affair.

I shared a clip from Michael Jacoe video on our ability to change timelines or create them. which my Higher self agreed with.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather site:
Michael Jaco July 18, 2024 Deep state3 coming... :

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