Bo Polny - Powerful Word - TRUMP, What Really Happened Manuel & Bo Polny - Captions

7 months ago

Bo Polny and Manuel Johnson discuss a recent event involving the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump and how it ties into biblical prophecies and the rise of God's kingdom. They reference specific prophecies made by Kim Clement and Manuel Johnson about the transition point between the fall of Babylon and the birth of God's new kingdom, as well as the potential for a wealth transfer beginning in the summer. They also discuss the significance of major announcements and the role of prophets in revealing God's plans. They express their belief that more significant events are yet to come and that we are in a pivotal moment in history.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Bo Polny! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


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👉LEGAL & DISCLAIMER: The above represents the opinion and analysis of Mr. Bo Polny, based on data available to him, at the time of writing. Mr. Bo Polny's opinions are his own, and are not a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell securities, commodities and/or cryptocurrencies. Mr. Bo Polny is an independent analyst who receives no compensation of any kind from any groups, individuals or corporations. As trading and investing in any financial markets may involve serious risk of loss, Mr. Bo Polny recommends that you consult with a qualified investment advisor, one licensed by appropriate regulatory agencies in your legal jurisdiction and do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial ramifications. Although an experienced analyst, Mr. Bo Polny is not a Registered Securities Advisor. Therefore Mr. Bo Polny’s opinions on the markets, stocks and commodities are his own and cannot be construed as a solicitation to buy and sell securities, commodities and/or cryptocurrencies.


Praise the Lord. Okay. I believe we're on question. What were the first three words out of Trump's mouth after he got shot and got up, what was the first three words? Come on. Who knows? He said, he said one word three times over and over. He said one word, three times. What were the, what was the word that he said three times?

What did he say?

It's what we're all supposed to be doing in the name of Jesus. What did he say? Fight, fight, fight. Oh my God. Oh my God. I like that. You said it three times, right? Fight, fight, fight. He got shot in the first word out of his mouth. Fight, fight, fight. That is what we are to be doing as The body of christ we are to fight not physical fight but fight in the name and the blood of jesus We are to step And trample on the heads of scorpions serpents Everything because why manuel why because we?

Have complete full and complete authority in his name,

brother. Bo, can I add to that, please? Can I add to that? What does apostle Paul say? I fought a good fight. I ran a good race to the, you know, the media can only give the natural view of things, but it's the church that knows what goes on behind the scenes. Saints who remember the words I gave a week and a half ago on live stream that we're going to hear an announcement, it would be around, it would be between July and August.

I heard it a big announcement and it's going to sound like it's a setback, but it's going to be a setup. And then I hear the word again, there will be a huge announcement market on there. Somebody put on there July and August. Let's go to the chat. And engage with the saints. I saw this word huge announcement.

The Lord didn't give me this the scenario of the exact month of it. So, but it looked like the window was between July and August. That's right. Put that up for me. Saints. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Glory to God. So I'm putting it there. That's it. Beautiful, beautiful. So there was. An announcement to be made.

And when I saw, I looked between July and August, we've already saw the huge pushback that's taking place. That's not finished yet. God brought that to pass this month in July. And so we're seeing a huge, some kind of announcement between July and August. And the announcement is going to make. Many people, believers and unbelievers that are looking for, you know, change in our nation, setback.

And the Lord said, they will hear it and it will sound like this is a big setback. They will be upset, but the Lord says, no, this announcement is not a setback, although it would appear to be a setback. It is a set up. I'm going to make it very clear. It is a set now. We have heard these things. I've heard these things.

So God goes into more details. What do you mean, Lloyd? This, it sounds like a setback, but it actually is a set up. I'm gonna say it again. It sounds like a setback. The announcement that I heard, and it was between July and August, it sounded like a setback, but it was actually a set up. Whoo! Lord, I give you praise.

And so, as God gave me the details, So when I heard that the Lord says, I planned this. This wasn't the enemy's plan. They think it's the enemy's plans. The Lord said the enemy, God wants the enemy to think that it's his plan, but it was actually God's plan. My children, this is not a setback, but a setup.

The Lord does not now say it again straight. The Lord does not want and will, and will not allow man to get any credit for what he's, God's about to do, because I must allow this. My children, I must allow this. So no one will be able to say I won this based off of my own might. Our power, but this will be by the grace of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Spoken July 9th. So we see the fulfillment right there. You can't make this stuff up. Go ahead, brother boat. Yeah, I think the timeline's incredible. And I still think more is yet to manifest. I don't, I don't think we've seen, I think with what happened with Trump. Just on the on the 13th there. I do believe that might only be a piece of your prophecy Uh of a of a divine setup That's it's happening because I think there's so much more about to happen and yet to happen We're still in the crisp of summer right now And so I do believe that there's going to be so much more Manifesting potentially even still might be this week into next week and that's going to be further add into what you We're prophesying about because major announcements are yet to, to manifest even to a greater degree, but I do believe that the Trump event, the shooting steps us into a divine.

Point where everything begins to, I think we're going to look back historically in months and years from now and know that from that moment in time, how everything really began to change into year end and then the years. So you're saying there's more coming. Yes. I would say that. And then if you can pop up the screen, I'll show you why, because I'm using a calculation, which I'd like to show you because, well, first off, before I show the calculation again, we don't live in political times.

So what happened with Trump and all these things that are going on in the news media, all of these are biblical events manifesting in our lifetime. Okay. They may, might feel political because in the flesh, it feels political, but spiritually. This is biblical. Okay. So I want to show you this, and this is just a scripture and how we can apply it to timeline.

Okay. So Daniel 12, seven States, it shall be for a time, times and a half a time. So, you know, Manuel, when you read scripture, that Jesus ministry as an example, from the time he got baptized to death on the cross was three and a half years. Okay, so that's a Daniel cycle of time. It was time times and a half time And so jesus's ministry could be it was written in daniel 12 7 Because from baptism to death on the cross and then resurrection, but basically that was three and a half years So if you'll notice in large letters, I wrote it will be so in that instance Jesus's ministry from baptism was three and a half years.

It was the ministry of Jesus. Now I want to take, I want to look at a different perspective here and you'll see why what's going on with, with the presidency Biden and Trump. It's kind of interesting beyond kind of interesting. It's extremely interesting because the Biden inauguration occurred on January 20th, 2021.

So let's apply. It will be Daniel 12, seven. Well, three and a half years from January 20th. Would be january it would be july 20th, but the 1260 days Would be the 4th of july. So if you look at it roman three roman calendar of three and a half years That's would be specifically the 20th of july three and a half years if you want to do 1260 days That was the 4th of july, but here's the point I want to make so If you think back for the past year two three years If you think back in the past six months, if you think back even to June, even in June, there wasn't one mainstream media outlet that was, that was there that wouldn't say anything negative about Biden.

Would you agree? Like even George Clooney threw a fundraiser that raised $3 million in June, middle of June on its 15th. But then this is, but the, but then if we use the calculation, the calculation saying that the Biden presidency, everything in relation to it starts to come to an end. In july what a coincidence wow july 4th And then a couple days later a few days later on the 10th George Clooney actually the guy that threw the 30 million dollar fundraiser in gala On the 10th states, George Clooney says, Democrats need a new nominee just weeks after he headlined a major fundraiser for Biden.

So the guy that's raised and threw a party for him in June, right after the 4th of July, as we step into this final 45 day window, you got George Clooney. But not only him. Every mainstream media from CNN, MSNBC, all the big, you know, left, left sided media stations, all of them turned on Biden after July 4th.

Think about that. How cool is this that it's all happening in perfect timing. So the, the, the Daniel 12 says that now as of January 4th for 45 days takes us into August 17th. So that's why, what was your prophecy? You said July into what? into August. There's your 45 day window that you prophesied about.

You were, your prophecy was a major announcement. Something big is announced. So could it be related to the the the shot at, at at Trump? Absolutely. But I'm still saying we're in this 45 day window and that 45 day window doesn't end the Daniel cycle. So this is not my cycle. I took the cycle as it's scripturally written.

In the Bible and the Daniel 12 cycle is a time, times and a half a time, then a 45 day window to complete it. So the entire seven year window that started in july of 2017 That seven year window ends middle of august so that ties in directly with Your prophecy about a major announcement. There could be a lot more that we haven't seen yet or heard yet because prophecies in part, you might've only heard a part of many more parts that are yet to come.

You see what I'm saying? So, and then after the middle of August, say August 17th onwards, we step into Daniel cycle of seven years, specifically the next three and a half. And then the next three and a half. So we step, so August onwards steps us into the next historic cycle of time. So what I'm trying to illustrate is this 45 day window, and you had a prophecy about the 45 day window.

Well, you had a prophecy about July, August. Which happens to tie in directly with a Biden presidency coming to an end or shifting in this 45 day window from July 4th into middle of August. So I find your prophecy very interesting. And so I still would like to ask the question, you know, is there a bigger announcement yet coming?

So we, we wait and watch, but so far we're watching historic things unfold right in front of us. But again, summer's not over yet. And then we do know that Kim Clement had a prophecy about summer will be the mediator between spring and fall. Okay. So the fall can do its work in America and I can play a few prophecies for you here as well, too, about the, you know, but so all of this, because, because of what is written in Amos.

What does it say? God does nothing before first speaking through his servants, the prophets, the prophets. Yes. And so he's, so he's speaking through you saying watch for a major announcement, July into August. So, so have we seen the major announcement or maybe a major, major events? Why say the shooting of trump or the attempted assassination of trump is a major event huge Worldwide event you can call it the shot that was heard around the world Okay, but I truly believe there's so much more yet Coming to come, there's so much more to come.

So we don't, we just keep waiting because again, it's all pieces, right? Revelation is pieces of a puzzle that keep coming together. And as we wait more and more, we can keep assembling more pieces and more keeps getting revealed to us. So I just want you to know as, as awesome as. What you're prophesying and I'm sure you have many more things that God is speaking to you I drew but do believe that we're still yet to see even more Even more manifesting right in front of us.

i'll play a clip here Go ahead. I'm, not sure if you've seen this prophecy, but so again kim clement I know you love, you know, you've watched his prophecies, you know before there were many like are there right now There's that quite a few really credible Prophets on on the earth and especially, you know, including yourself definitely man.

Well, you know very spoke outspoken prophet, you know You know, thank God he uses you but before you know And i'm sure when all the anointing came upon you, but kim clement was prophesying, you know in the early 2000s That's right. And there was a prophecy of 2014 Where he spoke of tumultuous? Events in summer you have it bring it up.

I have right here. And then secondly, I think there's a Video about three months ago this gentleman by the name of brandon, which I spoke to a while ago But basically, brandon then further confirmed the prophecy and he actually explained the details of the bullet running through his ear. So I want to play both of these because both of these prophecies are basically fulfilling what God wrote thousands of years ago.

So I want people to understand, yes, it's horrific what evil's doing and the fact that he actually took a shot you know, attempted assassination. All of this is horrific, but at the same time, like you're saying, God gets all the glory. So right now, God, in my opinion, hasn't gotten All the glory yet. Get what I'm saying?

Like people are now starting to say that God intervened. Many people who say God intervened on Trump, which I do definitely that happened. Okay. The fact that it happened so perfectly, you can't deny this was a hand of God on Trump. So definitely that happened, but we're starting to see more and more manifests where soon God's going to get such glory that it's going to be awesome for everybody to truly.

Watch how all of this truly plays out. So let me see if I can share this screen here Today I will expose I will reveal for you have entered into a time and a season of undercover Where I will bring out from the covers the truth For there have been too many lies One lie after the other covered in high national positions America, you're not as secure as you think you are However, there is an undercover Covering of great evil.

And I will start from the top. I have shaken the Democrats and we'll shake the Republicans even more.

But remember when these tremors and when these tumultuous moments happen, someone says, I will take it. Take a look at what happened.

And then I saw an attempt on his life. This bullet flew by his ear, and it came so close to his head that it busted his drum, eardrum. And I saw he was, he fell to his knees during this time frame, and he started worshipping the Lord. He got radically born again during this time frame.

And when these tumultuous moments happen, someone says, I will take it so that the fall can do its work in America.

Wow So when these tumultuous moments happened, I will take it so the fall can do its work in America now There is so again, this is key the prophecy side of it. God does nothing before first speaking through his servants the prophets. Okay? Nobody knew what tumultuous moments meant Nobody until this event happened on the 13th and the template disaster nation.

There's your tumultuous moment right there. Okay. And then again, it's scriptural. God does nothing before first speaking through his servants, the prophets. So before the shot occurred three months earlier, a prophecy was stated about the bullet piercing his ear. That was a very specific prophecy.

Extremely specific prophecy. Okay. And why? Because God gets the glory. So the gentleman that prophesied, the key of this is God spoke through his servant, the prophet. So that nothing is done before God speaks through His servants, that happened. God spoke through His servant, the prophets, and then the prophecy was fulfilled.

And now God's speaking further to you and through you, and what is He saying? A major announcement's coming, okay? So, more is coming. I do believe that we've only seen the tip of the iceberg of what's yet to come. And we're in a 45 day window and your prophecy was July into August. The calculation is very accurate for your prophecy.

So I believe there's so much more yet to be revealed here as we're in summer. So we just, we wait and we watch, but all of these pieces are coming together perfectly. See, nothing's. Random and and you know the daniel prophecy that prophesied babylon persia greece the papacy right two and a half thousand years ago Think about that prophecy.

It stands the test of time Two and a half thousand years, but yet the prophecies has not been fully fulfilled because daniel 2 verse 34 It says while we you are watching a stone carved up by no human hand Comes and destroys the babas the statue of babylon, which means we need to while we're watching You Witness the fall of Babylon.

That hasn't happened yet. You've got prophecies about major announcements. See, so something is afoot. And the calculations are saying now, and I do believe the shooting just last weekend, literally, you know, from the calculation standpoint of the July into August standpoint, as you're prophesying, prophesying really is indicating a tremendous shifting of one empire.

Cause the fall of Babylon would be a fall of an empire. Would it not? Think about that, man. The fall of Babel would be the fall of an empire. But why would an empire need to fall? Because God's kingdom's rising. What, you know, what brought Manny and myself together specific was Manny before any prophets were really speaking about wealth.

Kim Clement and Manuel Johnson were the two prophets that I know of five or more years ago were the only two that were speaking about a kingdom economy. A wealth transfer now many prophets that are on this earth are speaking about wealth transfer, but no prophets would touch it No prop because they oh, you know money's bad.

No money's not bad. Look at all the people, you know in the bible There are so many wealthy people that were in the bible That king solomon, right? There's so many you can see reference And so what I love about manuel is because your prophecy from the time we met you've been speaking about a kingdom economy Where can you have a kingdom economy?

You When God's kingdom begins to rise, when God's kingdom begins to rise, that will be the rise of his economy as well, because a kingdom rises with an economy. In other words, if one kingdom comes down, it's because another one is rising. So this is the fall of kingdom and kingdoms and the rise of kingdoms.

We are at a transitional moment where Babylon falls because It's time. It's time. It's time for God's kingdom to rise as God's kingdom rises. What rises with it? A financial system. What does Haggai 2. 8 say? Well, his money's gold and silver. And so we're going to see a transfer of wealth. All of this is expected to begin in the month or actually in the timeframe in the season of summer.

Does it? Does it not? I don't know, but I do know that when I listened to some of the prophetic words of Kim Clement, he's literally stated that the wealth transfer begins in summer because summer is the mediator between spring and fall. How about let's, let's listen to this prophecy and tell me what you think, Manuel.

Let me share this screen here. There are two E's that I see. One E is the word erupt.

The other is earthquake. Many are prophesying about earthquakes, but there is a national park where there is an eruption under the earth. It is a sign that I shall contain that sign. Which would try and be destructive in this nation, a volcano as a sign. And then there will be another earthquake says the Lord, keep your eyes open for this sign is to cause the earth to yield of its produce that the great E may come This is my promise, says the Lord.

Therefore, take heed today, as you come to me and strike the rock, I will release that which has been held back from you, and cause triumph to be sounded in your mouths, says the Lord. Come on! Summer. Summer. Reaches to spring

and to fall. I'll be the mediator, says something I will uncover.

I would, my son will shine.

And yet beneath the earth, there is a rage,

eruptions, summer says, why choose they me? Why do the tornadoes, the hurricanes choose me? I am summer. I bring smiles. I bring sunshine. I bring warmth. Summer, take it. For thus says the Lord, I will prosper my people. I will prosper my people. For the summer shall bring forth much in the temperatures. Strange July, strange July.

Interesting is what I can say here. You can go back, listen to the prophecy, but summer brings potential wealth transfer or the start of it. Does it? Well, we're in summer right now, and we're seeing a lot of chaos. We're seeing gold at new all time highs as of. Yesterday the 16th yesterday got a gold made God's money made a new all time High what really?

Yes. Yeah The highest it's ever been. Okay, so that was yesterday and all of this is happening in when? summer, okay, so All I know is that if Were massive massive events if God's money gold and silver suddenly explodes That would be the birth and the rise of God's kingdom gold is breaking vertical silver silver follows So silver is right now and i've always said 32 is the roof.

It's just playing around between 32 and 30 right now It's playing around but when silver blows through 32 It's going to follow what gold's already done. So gold's made new all time highs silver's next what i'm saying is we're at a really interesting time point because gold's already telling us it's Is breaking out and it could suddenly jump a thousand dollars in a single day What i'm saying is an event like that happens silver is going to go crazy also But that would be the breaking free of God's money Why would God why would gold and silver break free because?

It's God's money and it will rise with God's kingdom If it rises with God's kingdom It means that babylon the other kingdom You Is beginning to crash or is falling Babylon, Babylon, the great has fallen. She has become a dwelling place for demons. Is that not the case? You see, so wordy crux, a major, major important moment in time.

And Kim Clement was saying that crux, that moment in time, that transition points, the transition point would be the mediator between spring and fall. So the mediator would be the middle point between the fall of Babylon and the birth and rise of God's kingdom. Kim Clement said that precious metals or the wealth transfer begins in summer.

Go back and listen to the prophecy. It's right there. When God's intervened upon the world, like when Jesus died on the cross, what was the huge event that happened at death? Major earthquakes right down to the tearing of the veil, right? The veil was even torn. It needed to because it was prophesied, but the veil was torn.

Why? Because of earthquakes, you see. So when God intervenes, you see earthquakes eruptions. What did Kim Clement say? The two E's in when? Summer, summer, What did God just say to and through you? A major announcement. Big things are going to happen July into August. The mediation time point, the middle time point, the transition time point between the fall of Babylon's kingdom, the fall of Babylon.

The birth, the death of an empire and the birth of God's new kingdom, the new kingdom economy. And so Summer ends up being the mediator your prophecy Of july into august in my honest opinion again, we're going to all have to wait and see how this plays out. I believe the shooting of of the attempted assassination and shooting of trump was was only a prelude to of huge things that are about to manifest here on the earth.

And God also said through one of the other prophets that you know, these earthquakes and eruptions and the shaking is going to stop all the foolishness. That's going on in the world because people are going to start to really look to one another because of the chaos that just manifested on this earth.

So I don't know much more in terms of, you know, like, I'm just trying to put pieces together because revelation is what, Manuel? It's a beautiful, Art piece that's broken into pieces like a puzzle, right? And so we're, we're, that's why we see through the glass dimly because we're just trying to see as best we can.

But as time progresses since the year 2020, now to 2024, we can put a lot of pieces together and the, the, we're starting to see some pictures come to light, if that makes sense. And the next picture coming to light is the fall of Babylon, birth of God's kingdom, the Daniel 2 verse the 34 AM, the Daniel 2, 34 prophecy, while we're watching a stone carved out by no human hand, I believe you even prophesied, but many, many tackle off our scene.

So you've been waiting the balances and found wanting. What's the next line? Your kingdom has come to an end. Kingdom of Babylon, fall. Right. So your kingdom has come to the writing on the wall. What did Belshazzar see? The hand appeared on the wall and wrote many, many Tekel Afarshim. That night, Belshazzar, well, the prophecy was you've been weighing the balance if I want to, your kingdom has come to an end.

And that night, Belshazzar, fall. Fulfilled the prophecy because he was killed. He died and then King Darius came in, took over Babylon. In other words, a new kingdom rose that night into the next morning because of the writing on the wall, God fulfilled the prophecy. And so we're in our lifetime, we get to be here.

You know, Trump said fight, fight, fight. Why? Because. God's making a way. I love what you said, Manny, a year or two ago. God's not going to allow the beating up of his bride before a wedding. That's right. So, so God's gonna make a way. He's a way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness. He's gonna make a way for us, the bride, for, for the setup that's coming into end times because you can't stop Revelation.

He can't stop what's coming. You the mark of the beast is coming and so is the antichrist with him All of this is coming. You ain't stopping it But before it ever shows up, God makes a window of divine favor. He makes a way. He's the main way maker He's gonna make a way for his bride That's what's gonna happen That's why on your head.

It says glory days not gloomy days. That's right. Why because when God's glory comes upon the earth So yes, we've seen awesome things happen so far. You've had some amazing prophecies. You've had some amazing prayers for people. Amazing things happen. But that's only the tip of the iceberg because when Jesus ministry started, the next three and a half years, talk about You know, what that would have been like to be there, right?

Everybody wanted to listen to what Jesus was saying. Everybody wanted to see the miracle. Everywhere crowds would form because it was signs, miracles, and wonders. So when this appointed time happens, which is about to start here, where, you know, you're going to, You're gonna go at your church or you know, we're going to go to a do something together You're going to have a church gathering and you just with the holy spirit coming Everybody in that congregation will suddenly be healed and why because God's going to get the glory even You will be a piece of the puzzle, but everybody know that God did it See, because it's going to be so awesome, it says in Haggai 2.

9 the latter reign will be greater than the former. And so it will be the former where the apostles were bringing people back to life, where the apostles were raising the, you know, the dead. But it was like one at a time. But the latter reign is going to be greater, which means that probably would mean multiple or groups of people suddenly being healed.

So all of this is coming because why? Daniel 12. 7 says it will be for time, times and a half a time. The calculation indicates that July into August is the transition is the mediator time point, and that directly correlates with your shift of time as well, July into August made major announcements coming.

So I think, I think what we've seen with Trump is, is, is crazy. What happened? The fact that God intervened in the bullet, how he turned his head, like all of it's just awesome. But God said, there will be signs. And, and now like literally on mainstream media, you're hearing people speak the word. It was divine intervention.

God turned his head. I heard that on Fox news. I think even on CNN on Sunday, I heard it with my own ears. God's going to get the glory. Like you said, God's going to get the glory. Now saints. Remember. The same thing. Actually I think Bo was on our live stream when I said it, I said that July is going to be a major pushback.

What did they announce on Monday about the charges against Trump? The judge threw it out, major pushback. So we're seeing that. I said, it will happen in July. It now that one, I gave a timeline of July. It has happened. So we're seeing this. I also said that the media. What's going to start turning to Trump.

What are we seeing? What are we seeing this shift? Because God is in control of all this. We have brother bull with us right now. Watch. I think he heard me say, and many of you have heard me say that Trump is going to go into the white house, a different person, not the same man that we saw. S for 45th president, a different president, 47.

Trump is going in to the white house, a different person, not just a man, but a man of God who can do this. God,

if I believe. Brother Bo and Saint that God allowed that Bullock to just to his ear to get his attention You can't do this alone. You need me. You need me

It could have been an arm, but it was the ear an angel turned his head right at the time seconds before That Bullock could have ended and you and I know that if that would have happened and he would have died You America would have been in chaos. It had been a chaotic scene and a split of a country, split of a nation.

It could have been riots. It could have been a lot of things. Saints. I want you to listen to this brother boat. You and I know Trump is not doing this because of the money. He's not doing this because he wants the popularity. He doesn't need it. He's got billions. He can easily retire anytime he wants to.

He's doing this because he has a love for our nation. He doesn't have to do this. He even told this to Biden. He even told this to Biden right there. He says, look, I don't have to do this. I'm only doing this because I love the nation. I love America. I wish if there was, if America was running, right, I wouldn't be running for president.

He said that he doesn't like the way he doesn't like to see where our nation's going. And we don't either because it's not God's plan for this nation. To be destroyed to be gone. So God is working behind the scenes here. Oh boy I used the word on one of the last live streams hotter than july I said july is gonna be hotter than july and I was talking about the events And boy, are we seeing it boy?

Are we seeing it? Absolutely. So let me do this right here, Manuel. I wanted to play this video in direct reference to what we're talking about Trump. And so the title of this video that we're, that we're doing here or the podcast is Trump needed to go low so that he could be raised up. Understand that if Trump didn't go low, How do you raise somebody who's high?

See trump is Very anointed and so he's got incredible blessings about him And so the fact that this event happened and during the event something truly biblical happened. He went down I'm going to play this video and watch what happens in the prophecy that was fulfilled. He went down And then he rose again.

And when he rose again, like what is baptism? It's a death To life so the fact that he went down publicly. And then he came back up. He came back a new Trump because he, the prophecy is he comes back a praying president into office. So let's watch this video and you'll see what I'm talking about. Trump shall become a trumpet says the Lord.

No you didn't hear me. Trump shall become a trumpet. Are you listening to me? Now God says a president that I will bring into the White House and they will say he is unGodly. He does not know God. But ah, even as Jesus disguised himself for the great feast, so I have disguised the stands on. Listen to the word of the Lord.

God. I will put it to a helm for two terms a president that will pray But he will not be a praying president when he starts I will put him in office and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and my power says the Lord He fell to his knees during this time frame and he started worshiping the Lord.

He got radically born again during this time frame I'm talking People say he's saved now, but he becomes really on fire for Jesus for what I saw coming In the house that you call white

Shall receive a man, a knight

He becomes radically born for Jesus. You see, we are, and when did this happen? In the transition time point, that 45 day window between the 4th of July and the 17th of August, so he's transitioning. This is the summer. The mediator Trump is transitioning in the summer. The mediator time point. So when we step into August 17th.

Onwards, and we start the next three and a half, and then the next three and a half years, it's the new Trump, reborn. He went low in summer, right at the exact time point, at the ordained time point, so that he can be raised by the hand of God. When he came up, that was by the hand of God. He was raised up.

And now we're going to watch the second part of the prophecy, because the prophecy is very clear. He will have two terms. But it's very interesting because when you listen to the Kim Clement prophecies, it says that he is set aside. Think about that. The prophecies of Kim Clement says that he is set aside.

What does that mean? Because if you look at the calculations and what I showed earlier, he came in in 2016 to 2017. He was... the inauguration of Biden was in January 20th, 2021... and then Trump gets set aside. So the fact that he was not in consecutive two terms, he wasn't supposed to, when you go back to listen to the details of Kim Clement's prophecies.

He actually said he has two terms, but in the midst of all that, there's other prophecies that he stated. This one was on the February 22nd. He gets. Set Trump is set aside and that's exactly what happened. So let's listen to this and you're gonna go Whoa, so all of this and everything we're witnessing has actually been prophesied and it's actually happening Exactly as it's supposed to so here you go

Amongst them stood one that God had set aside To be the leader of this nation They will even say this man is not speaking enough But God says, I have set him aside, but God says, I have set him aside. And then God says, highly embarrassing moments when another Snowden arises and people will become very afraid.

They'll say, we have No protection. And then God says, am I impressed with your weapons of war? Let me Lord how the enemy has once again planned something, but this time it is completely different. It is not like 9-11. There is nothing like it. This is the most strange infiltration that shall come upon your screens.

It shall come upon you in your movie houses. It shall come upon the places of comfort and pleasure, and they shall infiltrate. And they shall say, we'll even black them out. We will even cause them to be so terrorized because there is darkness in one section and darkness in another section, Long Island and Babylon and New York, all these regions, we will blacken it out.

And then we will cause them to hear and understand that we are in charge. You will not do this as you plan. This is one of the most subtle things to cripple that state and that region because they have the eye on New York again.

Wild. So we're watching all of this manifest right in front of us. Trump is set aside, then another Snowden arises. It's interesting that the other Snowden itself, he prophesied a couple things at that moment in time when he was talking about the other Snowden. What did he say? He says another Snowden arises, and then suddenly we're going to hear of wars.

Interesting blackouts, interesting and strange infiltration. What does that mean? But all of this is expected to manifest potentially starting here in summer. And what did you just say at the beginning of this podcast? Special announce announcements. Announcements are coming. You see all the, so look at, so Kim Clements prophecies about a war, blackout, strange infiltration.

We just had an attempted assassination. All this is supposed to be going down in summer and you're speaking of July into August announcements. So, I find it interesting because it's not interesting. It's beyond fascinating because it's why it's biblical and you know, it might feel political because of all the events happening, but in the flesh it feels political.

But spiritually, this is a spiritual battle that we're watching happen right in front of us. And all of it was right here. I mean, it was, it was people looked at what happened with Jesus political. It had to go to Pilate and he had to judge all this thing. It was a political setting, but it was actually biblical because God was fulfilling his word.

But he used a political setting such as Barabas and Jesus was in the hands of Pilate, Judgmency. And God used a political setting. To bring out a biblical word that we all will be saved through his gift of salvation. So it's, I mean, it's right there. So, you know, we're just, it just, it, what a blessed time to be living in.

Again, I want to repeat really clearly here, the 45 day window coordinates beautifully with Manuel's word about July into August. Okay, announcements. Things are gonna be manifesting here. A mediator. Summer's the meteor. That means a transition time point a transition specifically as I show you the calculations.

You know, Babylon cannot stand. What is Babylon? It can worldwide control system. Which is anti God, because, you know, Babylon is an evil empire that cannot coexist in God's kingdom. So we gotta see the fall of Babylon as Babylon's falling is because God's kingdom is rising. It is time for the rise of God's kingdom.

The rise of the Josephs. The rise of everything that was written scripturally. We're about to see these things manifest because, again, the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous. We are to be the head Deuteronomy, not the tale of finance, these, all of these things haven't happened yet.

There's so many scriptures that haven't happened yet, but many of these things will beautifully be fulfilled as Babylon falls and God's kingdom rises. So it's, it's the death of an empire and the rest and the birth of a new era. That is what's coming. And it's in scripturally, I think the revelation 13, but it says, Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great.

She has become a dwelling place. for demons. You can't stop what's coming. You can't stop what's coming. You can only position yourself correctly to be on the correct side of this. What is this? It's a battle for souls. So you either know and love Jesus and you have a relationship with him or you the other side.

The evil doesn't want you to know him, and evil wants you to be in hell in all eternity with him. Because that's where he's going and he knows it. And the only thing he can do is take as many souls with him to hell as possible. Again, it's a battle for souls. God wins. We win. God does not allow his bride to be beat up before the royal wedding, which is coming in the future.

And historic days are amongst us, and we, in us, and we are here for the greatest shift and transition in human history. You know, at the end of the day, whose side are you on? You know, I'm on the side that wins. Saints, you're on the side that wins, Jesus. He's the way, the truth, and the light. At the end of the day.

God's kingdom is coming. God's will be done on earth as it has been already established in heaven. I know the Lord is not done with the United States. She will fly again, but better than before. Because we're under a blood covenant. The Lord made that very clear over and over to me. We're under a blood covenant.

Satan can't win. I'm going to say this again. He can't win. He's gonna lose, lose, lose. Just like when Donald Trump stood up and said when they picked him up, he says, fight, fight, fight. God used Nebuchadnezzar. He used Cyrus. Okay. It was a humbling experience that Donald Trump went through. 47. So we're seeing the fulfillment.

And at the end of the day, those that tried to trouble this earth, they're going to leave in shame, shame, shame, shame.

I said, The best is yet to come and is But God's not just dealing with the White House. He's also dealing with God's house There's wealth transfers coming Healing is coming. It's already started. God wants you to be a part of it He's not gonna just heal the nation but he also The Lord says I want to heal you I want you to be healed in your bodies.

I want you to be strong and have good courage. Well, Holy Spirit is moving upon all flesh and we want to be a part of that. We don't want to miss out what God is doing. We don't want to miss that. The Lord is moving like never, like never before, like never before. You want to be a part of that. You want to be a part of that.

It is time for the church, for God's people to come together as one and pray like never before. You don't want to miss what God is doing in every direction. You don't want to miss what God is doing. Saints, the good news has always been that the bad news didn't work out. Bo, you have a book that's out.

Talk about it. Right. So even in the book that I have in that book, I think it's on page like one, I'm looking here, 112, but in the book, we actually talk specifically about Trump. I compare Trump with Cyrus. If you read Isaiah 45 verse 13, it says, I will raise up Cyrus. You can replace that with Trump in my righteousness.

I will make. All his way straight. What does that mean? It means everything they try won't work. You just saw this happen on the 13th when they try to shoot him. I will make God, I will make his way straight. That means everything works out for him because of the anointing on him. He will rebuild my cities and set my exiles free, but not for a price.

Or reward says the Lord. We spoke about that. You spoke about that, that he's not doing this for a price or a reward. He's doing it because of the love for this nation. You understand all of this that we talk about much of this is in my book. It's just, you know, we talk about the third seal. This is the fall of Babylon, the death of their financial system because they love the money.

Page 106, I talk about Trump, I compare Trump and I say specifically, God only needs one day. That's all he needs. It's called, I called it in chapter 8, it's called the Trump Factor. But what I'm trying to illustrate is that everything that's happening is already been prophesied. I put pieces together like Manny does, Manny gets prophecies, I listen to his prophecies, I try to put more pieces together.

I took many of these prophecies and also things that I have heard and then calculations God revealed to me, I've put in this book. If you want the book, go get it. Go to my website, GOLD. 2020forecast. com. Get the book, use the code 777 and that'll immediately give you a 30 percent discount on the book. It's available at Amazon, Barnes, Nobles as well too.

My website gives you the 30 percent discount. So again, 777, but the book specifically talks about everything that Manny and I talked about here and so much more because none of this is political. God uses politics for his glory. He uses politics for his end time events Because his end time events are the biblical events we're seeing manifest right in front of us.

So again, Manny, God bless you and your wife. Thank you for your ministry. Thank you for all you're doing Thank you for preaching the good news because that's what the Bible is. The title of my book, you know, the Revelation. It's the good news You Listen to this podcast. It's good news. It's God's the good news.

He's bringing good news. He sets up for it's a setup for the great takedown He's setting them up Just like what happened at the red sea in israel. Israel pharaoh was set up For the event at the red sea and israel was bait We say the church are the baits When you take a step back, it's a setup. That's right You We are the, we are the setback.

God's using us as a setback for a set up that he's about to completely obliterate and annihilate these people. Why? Because the mediator, the summer, the transition point is the collapse of God's, a collapse of Babylonian kingdom. Kingdom of Babylon! Prophesied two and a half thousand years ago comes down.

Why? Because God, it's time, it is time for God's kingdom to begin to rise. And this leads to the greatest, greatest, greatest spiritual, forget, you know, the money's going to be so great that you're just going to be Not thinking about it because it's all good. Everything you need is gonna be there You're just gonna be thinking about the greatest the greatest spiritual revival in human history Watching it with your eyes.

That's What's about to start here? August onwards

Love it Saints Oh, my God. Get ready. The best is yet to come. Boy, we always love having you on. Saints, the best is yet to come. Amen. Get ready. At the end of the day, we win, win, win. Remember that, Saints. Saints love you all.

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