Kamala and Equity

8 months ago

Kamala explains that we shouldn't give everybody equal help because they are starting from different places so we should give the people who are starting with less more. The problem with that is she wants to forcefully take from those who have more to give to those who have less. In order to give you have to take unless people give voluntarily and although people do give voluntarily and donate to charity they don't give as much as Kamala would take to create equity. The problem with all this is that it doesn't take into account that people get to where they are through hard work. It's not fair to take from someone who has worked hard all his life and give his money to someone who hasn't because you want equity. Another problem with this is that government officials at they spread equity takes a cut for themselves. The socialists are very generous with your money but not with their own or the money they get from taxing you.

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