Artificial Intelligence Threatens Our Enslavement. Dr. Len Horowitz. The Many Threats Posed By AI

7 months ago

Artificial General Intelligence Threatens Our Enslavement. Dr. Len Horowitz. The Many Threats Posed By AI
AI, BIO-TECHNOLGY AND SPIRITUALITY: Best Selling Health Science Author Publishes Monumental Warning
Spiritual Warfare, Salvation and Survival in the Age of Chaos
July 25th, 2024
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
1,021 views April 13th, 2023
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
Artificial General Intelligence threatens enslavement, genocide, even extinction of the human race.
This "ALERT" (forewarning) by multi-award winning celebrity author, filmmaker, public health expert, and energy medicine pioneer, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz.
For the past quarter century, Dr. Horowitz has been at the forefront of accurately predicting the most serious risks to civilization's health, safety, and sustenance, publishing more than two dozen books in these intertwined fields. Here, the expert whistleblower summarizes the most obvious risks posed by rapidly advancing 'cyborg intelligence' leveraged by Big Tech's Satinists and "criminal psychopaths."
Special thanks to "The Liberty Man," John Moore on Republic Broadcasting Company ( for their contributions to this segment filmed April 6, 2023.
About the Book:
Spiritual Warfare, Salvation & Survival in The Age of Chaos: AI, Frequency Weaponry, and Transhumanist Conversion of Civilization Threatening Extinction by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
Artificial intelligence (“AI”), robotics, and nano-biotechnologies impacting every aspect of human existence also affects health and spirituality as detailed in a must-read book by award-winning science scholar and energy medicine pioneer, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz.
Foremost among the largely ignored questions risking salvation and survival is the impact of wireless control systems on bioenergy that dovetails with human spirituality, ‘nano-neuro-biotechnology,’ and DNA functions. Physical and metaphysical impacts of bioelectronics and wireless technologies raise crucial questions especially impacting religious people and spiritualists.
These unanswered questions, central to the entire transhumanist movement and “Forth Industrial Revolution,” are brilliantly addressed in the book with remedies proposed, including the
scientifically-proven protective frequency of 528Hz.
As computers and humans increasingly merge, everyone is being vicariously forced to accept this technological revolution impacting ‘evolution of the species,’ ‘survival of the fittest,’ and ‘higher consciousness.’ Appropriately, Horowitz offers critical, species-saving, soul-searching reading
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