NIMH #801 Rahiem Commercial VoiceOver for the Olympics Breakdancing Category

1 day ago

NIMH #801
Rahiem Commercial VoiceOver for the Olympics Breakdancing Category

Congratulations to our brother Rahiem Todd Williams for his fantastic “VOICEOVER” work that he been hired to do and will air during the BREAK DANCING SEGMENT AND DURING THE OLYMPICS PARIS 204

Message from Rahiem
Grand rising family ❤️👊🏿 Here’s my voiceover debut…. Since break dancing has officially become a category at the Olympics, they used breaking as a message…the message is talent should be spotted early and so should cancer! It Airs Tomorrow and will be airing during the Olympics since break dancing is now a category and since hip hop culture was born in the Bronx just like Montefiore/Einstein healthcare, they saw this as an opportunity to express their pride about all of these amazing things that were born in the Bronx…. #voiceover

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