Heed the Call to Recall | 1 Samuel 12:24

1 month ago

Does your situation need your solution, or is it a call to recall?

Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

This week, we are in 1 Samuel 12. I've titled this chapter "God is Faithful When We Are Not."

Today, we turn to the key verse of this chapter, which happens to be verse 24. It reads.

Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you. — 1 Samuel 12:24

We will explore this statement in more depth as we read to the end of the chapter, but for now, I want you to notice the challenge Samuel presents to the people of Israel.

It's a call to recall.

Samuel is not a stupid man. He knows that the people are prone to drifting from God.

I have done a lot of boating in my life, and I know if your anchor is not set and secure, then you are going to be susceptible to drift. When winds and currents change, they are going to tug at that boat and pull and drag your anchor. At first, the movement is subtle and unnoticeable. You'll think you're still in the same spot, anchored firmly. But bit by bit, the anchor begins to loosen, and the boat begins to drift.

If you survey the history of the people of Israel, this is how they acted in their relationship with God. They have defining moments that anchor them to God and his faithfulness. But over time, the currents of life and fear of man result in drift and this pattern repeats again and again.

As Samuel nears the end of his life and as the time of the judges gives way to the time of the kings, he knows that the people are going to be susceptible to spiritual drift. He also knows that legislation and leadership are not the solution to this drift. The problem is more personal and specific. It's an issue of the heart. These problems keep arising because the heart of the nation is not anchored to God. They want other things, like a king, instead of God, who was, is, and always will be their King. And his desire is for them to anchor into Him again.

As I think about this today, I am compelled to evaluate myself. Am I drifting from God in any way? Is there a situation subtly and unnoticeably pulling on my anchor?

And, of course, I did think of one. One situation that has troubled me has been pulling on my anchor of trust. It has caused a subtle drift.

But the Good News of this text is that Samuel presents me with the solution for my spiritual drift. Let me read it again with a little emphasis:

Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you.

First, I must acknowledge the winds and currents of my fears and return to fearing the Lord. Second, I need to give my whole attention to serving God rather than serving myself and my ideas. Third, I need to realize that the currents of the situation may be trying to divide my heart, but God wants my undivided heart in every wind and against every wave.

But it's the closing of this text that really captures me. It's a simple life hack for spiritual drift. It's a call to recall. Samuel says, "Consider what great things [the Lord] has done for you."

Today, if you are evaluating your life and sense a subtle or significant spiritual drift, heed Samuel's call to recall. Simply recall a few of the great things the Lord has done for you. Write them down or share them with someone else. Doing this will help reset that anchor in fearing and faithfully serving God with all your heart.

#FaithfulLiving, #HeartCheck, #GodsFaithfulness

Ask This:
In what areas of your life are you relying on your solutions instead of seeking God's guidance and faithfulness?
How can you practice recalling and sharing the great things God has done for you to strengthen your faith and encourage others?
Do This:

Heed Samuel's call and recall God's faithfulness.

Pray This:

Lord, help me to shift my fears and anxieties to a deeper trust in You and to serve You with all my heart. Remind me daily of Your great deeds so my faith remains strong and unwavering. Amen.

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