Trying to GET OUT of the WILDERNESS!

7 months ago

Adventure 14 Part 8

When illness strikes within your party, the only way out is the way you got in! No phone signals, no phones, no contact with the outside world! After a couple of days in one place to let the worst flu symptoms pass, we make a full-day push to get back to our starting point with the help of some shortcuts. This journey characterized by crystal-clear flowing water everywhere! Gorgeous vistas, spectacular terrain, outstanding wilderness and solitude!

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I'm using my floorless Luxe Hexpeak 2P Tipi shelter. The Silky Gomboy 240 hand saw. Danner Mountain 600 boots. My fixed-blade, single-tang PKS Mountain Lion belt knife. The BCB British Canteen of Osprey NATO water bottle 58-pattern fame, along with the BCB NATO Crusader Cup. The lid to my Crusader Cup is a Rothco brand stainless steel canteen cup lid.

My hardshell jacket and outer button-up shirt is from REI. Pants are from Kuhl.

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