4.8 Earthquake In Texas

2 months ago

NHDVS Home Land Grab by Ryan Thompson File # 1
The West Los Angeles
Posted in Citizen News
Most Underreported DEEP STATE SHIT SHOW LAND GRAB that I know of
This following statement comes from a tireless and meticulous civilian researcher who gets up in the morning and goes to bat everyday to expose the financial vampires feeding on the carcass of the West Los Angeles National Homeless And Disabled Volunteer Soldiers Home
If you can do anything about stopping this land grab and rampant theft of money from funds and property rights of land specifically deeded to Veterans long ago. It was over twice as big when it was first gifted for the express use of Housing and caring for Veterans.
Now they just leave the Veterans out on the street directly in front of the facility that is mandated to help them. I can’t even begin to understand it.
But Ryan Thompson, and Veterans Against Treason member Janelle Wolves and Fransisco Juarez sure as hell do.

Ryan Thompsons latest articles /
Subject: Third Request For Publicly Funded Final Illegal Megamall Plan Nobody Saw Yet
I, Veterans nor the rest of the Public that you charged us a few hundred thousand to a million in Public Funds for a two-day long "study" to objectively and independently determine how urgently disabled homeless Veterans desire a ~500,000 square foot megamall, at the Deeds-Restricted National Soldiers Home in Our Nation's Capital of Veteran homelessness, that is surrounded by retail like coffee shops, restaurants, cafes, cleaners, grocery stores and the like - have ever received that megamall (aka "Town Center") document; that you intend to feign is substantial basis for Mark Takano and Jon Tester to, once again, fraudulently legislate Amendments against disabled and homeless Veterans very soon - have yet to receive a copy of that "study" by the Urban Land Institute megamall lobby of private real estate interests; that you have determined is now a "Final" plan, in the meeting you ran thousands of miles away to hold with express intent to evade the Veterans you are paid to Serve, if not also Under Oath to Serve.
We are still urgently awaiting a copy of your criminally conspiratoral plan to Cause more Veteran homelessness, Veteran death, intense traffic and increase Taxes amid rampant inflation by privately assessing criminally laundered Deeds-Restricted Federal Land; despite Our persistent, written requests.
I also need you to promptly review that Conspiracy's shortlist of all Stake Holders the Urban Land Institute and VCOEB Declare it to be based upon and let us know if there are any retractions or changes to it - because as far as I am learning, it seems Robert Reynolds does not beleive he is a Stake Holder to that Criminal Conspiracy, Heidi Marston seems to think she never even met with ULI in such regard; and from what I can tell - the rest of the short list of this false disinformation called an objective independent study in the Los Angeles Times article Anthony Allman co-wrote for Publication on Veterans Day; appear to be VCOEB, the criminal developers desperate to profit from the deadly illegal megamall, the County seeking the laundered land for a Tax bump while demolishing the hospital lot for the General Public, the primary National Soldiers Home illegal land misuser University of Caliornia and the Vets Advocacy unregistered lobby created by the folks who gave birth to the deadliest Federal Land misuse Criminal Land Misuse Racket by defrauding the Federal Court, with a non-existent "settlement" it never heard of; that defrauded homeless Veterans out of the Judgment Orders against some of the Stake Holders, which those homeless Veterans lawfully won in their Federal Civil Rights case, as Adjudged two years prior.
So I sincerely think that for many upcoming reasons beyond your mandates to abide by Our Federal Public Laws and Consitutional Rights, which Official Federal Government Documents you began reviewing last week are a fraction of the proof you're overzealously breaking them with fraudulent intent - no matter how much you hate folks like me for sacrificing a fraction of what homeless Veteeans lose in life to hold you accountable no matter how much of Our Public Funds are misappropriated to unlawfully slander, detain and otherwise Cruelly and Unusually Punish us; I plead in an abundance of caution for you to send us that bullshit report now and start doing evem more things that may help keep you out of a tiny home in Our Federal Penitentiaries, or at least reduce the term of your lease in one that's been privatized...  Presuming there won't be any red flags in your record and you follow the rules.
P.S. - when you Criminally Conspire "workforce" rental housing, do you mean for the UCLA Medical Students and nurses VA is paying around $100,000.00 USD of Our Public Funds to, the 3,000 Graduate Students it developed "affordable housing" for on the stolen C+H Tract National Soldiers Home land or just any renter with a job?  Because I sure as hell know what will never be built without at least Criminal Convictions, could be for all the VA employees you plan to unlawfully terminate with the lives of disabled homeless Veterans to ensure a private developers Criminal Racket keeps its megamall consumers closeby to hit the multi-billion dollar profits overflowing their already stuffed pockets for at least 99-years.
Ryan Thompson

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