Abi sumo film study: Positional footwork awareness

7 months ago

Studying sumo is important for the growth of the sport in the western world. Our film study for the 2024 Nagoya Basho will take a look at footwork from Abi as he took on Atamifuji on day five of the event.

0:00 Abi introduction
0:45 Proper positioning
2:33 Not executing on the advantage

Abi has been around the world of sumo for some time. He’s primarily a pusher and utilizes good footwork that serves him well. We will be examining that today.

Proper positioning is what won Abi his day five bout against Atamifuji of the 2024 Nagoya basho. He used a circling out with a belt grip and pulling to get the advantageous position. This won him the bout and put him one step closer to that ever-needed eight wins.

Of course, there is not executing on the advantageous position and we will look at how Tamawashi had Kotoshoho on the ropes before failing to execute and lose the bout because of said failure.

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