"The DOD, US Govt, & Big Pharma, are all one entity" - Dr Jane Ruby talks to Gareth Icke

8 months ago

This week on Gareth Icke Tonight.

Dr Jane Ruby is a medical professional with over 20 years experience working within pharmaceutical drug development. She also broke the worldwide exclusive story of the white fibrous clots being found by funeral embalmers, within the covid vaccinated. She joins us to talk about the power of the pharmaceutical industry over governments and media, as well as the potential of another manufactured pandemic, in the coming months.

We are joined by a whistleblower going under that name Liv, who is currently facing what appears to be a targeted harassment from UK bailiffs, including the illegal entering of property, and the arrest of her husband on the false accusation of assault.

And journalist, author and editor or The Freedom Articles, Makia Freeman is on the line to talk about everything from Biden stepping down, to the Trump shooting, and Israel’s bombing attacks against Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, and Gaza, in just one night.

That’s Gareth Icke Tonight, Thursday 7pm UK on https://www.ickonic.com/



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