Season 2 Episode 45: REVELATION 18: Babylon: Wicked Queen of TREASON and Merchant of Men

7 months ago

Originally aired 7/20/24. I want to let you know about a great movie project that is just becoming available by Seth Gruber, of the White Rose Resistance, called The 1916 Project. The 1916 Project.

This movie gives a detailed account of the connections between Margret Sanger and Planned Parenthood, with Nazis, Eugenics, and the ongoing movement to destroy the family and corrupt children.

The 1916 Project is a powerful movie that exposes all the lies and the underlying philosophy of racist, elitist, anti-human agenda.
Right now the 1916 project is available in order for Churches to host a viewing, so please check it out and pass it along to your pastor. Later this year, it will be released to the public, but for now, it can be streamed by churches.

So go to THE 1916 PROJECT.COM:

Also, I want to follow up on my suggestion LAST WEEK to find a global ministry you can support in order to get the Gospel to unreached people, and to support our fellow Christians around the world who are under persecution or duress because of their faith, or due to dire circumstances.

And if you don’t know where to start, I gave a list of great organizations you might want to support that are having an impact around the world, such as:

• Voice of the Martyrs Radio: and
• Open Doors International serving persecuted Christians:
• Samaritan’s Purse, Franklin Graham’s disaster relief:
• 700 club’s Operation Blessing:
• Chosen People Ministries:
• Compassion International:
• Talking Bibles:
• Wycliff:

These are just a few of the many organizations going about doing good for Jesus. I’ll put the links to those ministries in my show notes.
Last week, I also asked you to email me with any QUESTIONS you might have about the Scientific Facts that CONFIRM Biblical Creation and REFUTE Evolution. I have given talks on this Creation Facts to answer skeptics and equip Believers to defend Biblical Creation.
Here’s just a few facts that CONFIRM creation and REFUTE Evolution:
• The FIRST law of thermodynamics—the law of conservation—proves matter is neither created nor destroyed within the universe—and therefore must have a CREATOR OUTSIDE of time, space and matter
• The SECOND law of thermodynamics—entropy—proves matter and energy are not eternal: all the matter we have today must have a beginning
• E=MC2 Proves that the source of energy is matter, and that there is no energy without matter—hence The Big Bang does not try to explain where matter came from, just that it blew up.

These are just 3 principles that REFUTE the theory of the Big Bang as an explanation for the universe, and challenge the underlying suggestion that matter is eternal and has no beginning. Such an explanation would be SUPER NATURAL, meaning, it would BREAK the LAWS of NATURE, and cannot replace GOD as the creator of the universe.

So please email me or use the COMMENTS SECTION of this RUMBLE VIDEO for any questions that have come up in your conversations with skeptics, or on topics your kids are being challenged with in school.

MOST young Christians walk away from their faith in college, and the presumption of evolution is one of the biggest reasons.

PLEASE ALSO EMAIL or SEND COMMENTS WITH YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT. Most people don’t realize that unlike personal podcasts, ministries who BROADCAST ON THE RADIO, MUST PAY for air time, and so hearing from you, if you are BLESSED BY THE SHOW, helps encourage me to keep going—and to know that this sacrifice is BEARING FRUIT.

As we will discuss today, TREASON is so appropriate right now, because of all the treachery taking place around the world, particularly in western nations like the UK, France, Canada, and many others as the PEOPLE try to MAKE A CHANGE in the direction of their governments, and the governments instead side with those who are tearing down the country.

We see catastrophic erosion to their rights, their citizenship and national identity, to have a voice in their government, and to keep the streets orderly, safe and free of crime and violence.
Instead, their own governments are selling out to those who take over the streets with violence, threats, anti-Jewish and anti-national hate.

This anarchy is on purpose, to keep the people from protesting themselves, and to feel overwhelmed with chaos.

Last week we saw President Trump grazed by an assassin’s bullet, inches from changing the trajectory of America. And TRUMP HIMSELF gave God the glory. We shall see what effect this has on his campaign.
Right now he is riding a wave of renewed patriotism and enthusiasm from Americans who want to put an end to this lawless administration. It may have been a wake-up call for some who have bought all the lies, and now suddenly see what’s really going on…
America has been taken in a COUP by illegitimate enemy forces, and is busily setting demolition charges to the foundations of our nation. And when the nation is destroyed, they will subjugate it to the Global Antichrist Government being erected before our eyes.

We know that THIS YEAR the World Economic Forum, and those UN entities set on Global Authority, declared that Donald Trump is the biggest obstacle of concern to their GLOBALIST PLANS, Agenda 2030, and the UN's 17 Sustainability Goals.

And MANY are pointing out EVIDENCE that suggests Treachery, and a more SINISTER PLOT than a 20 year-old lone wolf.

The question is whether AMERICA will stand for TRUTH and AMERICAN FREEDOM or will collapse to the lies, and the complete DISMANTLING of America.

Only God knows what these WICKED Globalist have planned next, but we can SPEAK the TRUTH, STAND for AMERICA, and PRAY that God gives us a reprieve from these monsters.

We KNOW as we have been reading in REVELATION that eventually they WILL win to gain TOTAL GLOBAL CONTROL, and install the ANTICHRIST DOMINION, but that villainous victory will not last.

And so Last week we discussed the early verses of Revelation chapter 18, how the BABYLON GLOBAL ANTICHRIST GOVERNMENT will FALL to the judgment and WRATH of the Lamb. And we continue this week to discover the Spiritual Character of this system, ALREADY BEING BUILT AROUND US, as a WICKED QUEEN and Merchant of MEN.

YESHUA HAMASHIACH יֵשׁוּעַ המשׁיה
Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי

Seth Gruber, of the White Rose Resistance, The 1916 Project. The 1916 Project:

Season Watch airs Saturdays at 3:00 pm in San Diego on K-Praise AM 1210 and FM 106.1 North County in San Diego:

Wendy’s other Rumble Channels:

Wendy’s Words for Him: Posts a variety of her teachings and other inspirational videos:

Wendy’s Words for Him: Radio: Audio only Podcast of her weekly radio show SEASON WATCH:

Wendy’s Words for Him: The Hiding Place: Listen to The Hiding Place audio book reading of Corrie Ten Boom’s true story of God’s faithfulness during Nazi-occupied Holland:

Website: MyWordsforHIM:

Her Christian Novel can be found on Amazon: The Lost: A Story of Christmas:

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