Changing American Production Structure Has Been a Core Strategy of CCP for Decades

4 months ago

07/19/2024 Aila on Grant Stinchfield Show @stinchfield1776: The decline of U.S. manufacturing is evidence of the core strategy of the Chinese Communist Party over the past few decades, which is to change the structure of production in the United States. By taking control of U.S. manufacturing, they are able to manipulate the U.S. market.
#manufacturing #decouplingfromCCP #laborissues #dumping

07/19/2024 小飞象做客Grant Stinchfield Show:美国制造业的衰落印证了中共过去几十年的核心战略,即改变美国的生产结构。通过掌控美国的制造业,他们就能够操纵美国的市场。
#制造业 #与中共脱钩 #劳工问题 #低价倾销

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