Decoupling from CCP Remains Essential

2 months ago

07/19/2024 Aila on Grant Stinchfield Show @stinchfield1776: Overall, decoupling from the CCP remains essential. It is also very important for the United States to understand what the CCP is doing to its own citizens while developing effective policies. Simply moving factories from China to the U.S. is not the solution; it is also important to understand the logic and tactics of the Chinese Communist Party.
#decoupling #forcedlabor #xinjiangconcentrationcamps #CCP
07/19/2024 小飞象做客Grant Stinchfield Show:总的来说,与中共脱钩仍然是非常必要的。美国在制定有效政策的同时,了解中共对自己的公民所做的事情也非常重要。简单地将工厂从中国搬到美国并不是解决方案,还要了解中国共产党的逻辑和策略。
#脱钩 #强迫劳工 #新疆集中营 #中共

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