Kamala Harris Cackles At Being Informed She's The Most Liberal Senator

7 hours ago

Posted • July 25, 2024: This is like nothing I've ever seen before. Ever since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race (on X) and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, who appears to be the nominee no matter what Democrat voters want, has been undergoing a makeover. As I noted last night, the push was on to divorce her from the title of "border czar." Sen. Chris Murphy was among those who jumped in to ensure us that was never her official title or duty. -- JD Vance @JDVance: “Joe Biden put Kamala Harris in charge of the southern border and then we saw the worst invasion of illegals in American history. Kamala failed to secure the border and American citizens paid the price.” -- Chris Murphy 🟧 @ChrisMurphyCT: “a. This isn’t true. The “Biden put Harris in charge of the border” narrative is made up. b. Harris supported the bipartisan border security bill that would have fixed the problem. Trump killed it. c. Border crossings are lower now than in Trump’s last non-pandemic summer.”

Biden is on video making the appointment himself. Actually, Biden put Harris in charge of the border on March 24, 2021. You can't change history. -- The people pulling the strings are also trying to make Harris seem more centrist. But as we reported, the Orwellian effort to rewrite history is in full swing. The supposedly "nonpartisan" GovTrack revised its 2019 rating of Harris as the most liberal senator. It’s not just Axios. Now GovTrack went back and erased Kamala’s ranking as the most liberal United States Senator. The cover up is on! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GTRee6DWkAAXj0L?format=jpg&name=large -- Axios committed to making it worse. This is literally Soviet https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GTRBAlSWMAAMGej?format=jpg&name=medium -- What was Harris' response when CBS News asked her about her ranking as the most liberal senator of 2019? To cackle, or course.

CBS: "You're considered the most liberal United States senator." - Kamala: "I— somebody said that, and it was actually Mike Pence on the debate stage…" - CBS: "Actually, nonpartisan GovTrack has rated you as the most liberal senator." - Kamala: *blank stare* 一 They tried to sell Joe Biden to us as a Democrat centrist in 2020, and we have three-and-a-half years of evidence showing that's far from the case. President Harris would govern to the left of Biden if we allow that to happen. She's likely to name straight white male Josh Shapiro as her running mate to try to balance out the ticket. Blank stare… How is she supposed to have meaningful conversations with our adversaries? They aren’t “nonpartisan” anymore https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GTR4_yZW0AApbRE?format=jpg&name=medium -- GovTrack just DELETED their 2019 page that ranked Kamala Harris as THE MOST LIBERAL of all 100 Senators. It would be a shame if we made it viral https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GTR4zY4WUAAqepD?format=jpg&name=large

What say you @GovTrack? Operation Propaganda is in full effect. It is, and it's appalling. Kamala Harris is even more far left than Bernie Sanders. They’re ALL in the tank for her. Wow. The internet is forever. I don’t know why people forget this. If this is her, shouldn't she be proud of it? Why does she try to claim Mike Pence said it as if it were an insult? Why didn't she tell CBS News, "I am the most liberal senator, and I'm proud of my record"? An assassination attempt, a coup, and a cover up. Did not see this on my bingo card for the month of July. -- Funny that GovTrack felt the need to "correct" the record just today, as Harris kicks off her presidential campaign.

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