TheGrey Heron: Close Up HD Footage (Ardea cinerea)

7 months ago

The Grey Heron is a big bird you might spot near water in the UK. It's got long legs and a long neck, perfect for wading and catching fish. These birds are pretty clever - they'll stand still as a statue in shallow water, waiting to nab their dinner.
Grey Herons eat mostly fish, but they're not fussy. They'll happily munch on frogs, small mammals, and even ducklings if they get the chance. They're about as tall as a 7-year-old kid, which is pretty impressive for a bird!
You'll often see them alone, but they nest in groups called heronries. These are usually in tall trees near water. The chicks stay in the nest for about two months before they're ready to fly off.
These birds are tough cookies. They can live in lots of different places, from seaside cliffs to city parks. So keep your eyes peeled - you might spot one on your next walk!

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