Why They Leave

8 months ago

Young Catholics tend to stop going to Mass before they are adults, why is this the case. And why have so many of all ages left the Catholic Church? Before Vatican II, over 75 percent of Catholics attended weekly Mass in the U.S., and now, depending on which survey you use, it's between 5 and 30 percent.
Actual documents from Vatican II never called for going to the vernacular language instead of Latin. As Mother Angelica and others have said, the Latin language brings a mystical aspect to the Mass and gets us more in touch with God. It seems that the Novus Ordo Mass, though a completely legitimate Mass, has an emptiness to it. I attended the Novus Ordo Mass all my life before Saint Pope John Paul II allowed it in a limited way and the Pope Benedict XVI allowed all priests to celebrate the Latin Mass without permission of his bishop. The Latin Mass became a growing part of the Catholic Church, yet Pope Francis has been trying to shut it down. He wants to take the Catholic Church in a synodal direction, whatever that means. It seems that Francis is an infiltrator into the Catholic Church to try to bring it down, if not he is acting like one. Why does he and so many hate the Latin Mass, it seems they hate truth and beauty. As Pope Benedict said though, the Latin Mass was never abrogated, nor can it be. The Latin Mass is the Mass of the Ages, the Novus Ordo Mass is an empty shell. It seems that the simple reason that so many have left the Cstholic Church is liturgy. The liturgy, including is where it all starts. The Novus Ordo has no Catholic foundation or mystery. A return to the Latin Mass would be a major step in bringing back the Catholic Church. So many in Catholic leadership though don't want to admit that their 60 disastrous experiment has been a failure, and thus they live in denial. It's very simple, the Catholic Church has to return to being Catholic.

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