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Shooters house had 14 weapons

7 months ago

Shooters house had 14 weapons


  • 0/2000
  • That's not important. It's a dog whistle to the gun control crowd and designed to shift the narrative away from law enforcement failures on the scene.

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  • I despise how these people always try to make it about guns. "There were 14 guns in the house" So? Were there 14 assassins lined up to use them? Last time I checked, there isn't a limit to how many firearms a person owns? Does every person that owns more than 1 gun plan to assassinate a president or plan to commit a mass shooting? Were the guns legal? Here's a better question......are the secret service trained to fire a weapon? Can they actually figure out how to fire their gun before a potential kill shot is fired from an assassin? Are they trained how to put their gun back in their holster? Do they even know how to effectively identify potential threats before they happen????? THOSE are the questions we should be worried about. Not the fact that some family had 14 most likely legally acquired guns in their household.

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  • Wray blows smoke like a 56 Rambler! 🙄 Everyone has a f’n excuse and everyone of them STINKS! There is only ONE REASON for them to be there…ONE!!!!! TOTAL FAILURE to me reeks that they wanted the kid to succeed!!!! There is no other LOGICAL explanation for a massive failure on every level of security! They wanted DJT dead…period…end of sentence.

  • The shooters house had so many weapons because that is where the CIA was hanging out.